Heuristic Evaluation of the Tele-Bears Redesign Project

Peter Charles


1. [H1 Simple and Natural Dialogue] (Severity 2)  
  When a course is selected in registration and the sandbox schedule, the user is given a group of options along the right hand margin of the calendar. There is enough room along the right side to provide access to these all these options with out a further selection, why make users click again to get the information they want to change?  
2. [H1 Simple and Natural Dialogue] (Severity 2)  
  Lecture and sections appears are not well differentiated from each other in the calendar. When they appear next to each other it looks like a single 2 hour class.  
3. [H1 Simple and Natural Dialogue] (Severity 3)  
The way that time is sequenced on the schedule is confusing. It is not clear when classes begin or end.
4. H1 Simple and Natural Dialogue] (Severity 3)  
  After searching and finding a course the only way to access the course info is to first add it the schedule  
5. [H3 Minimize Memory Load] (Severity 2)  

The Calendar extends all the way to 12pm even though nothing scheduled in the evening. The calendar could stop at end of last class. If a class that meets in the evening is added it would expand the calendar. This would keep most calendar actions in the main viewing area allowing for expansion when absolutely necessary

  [H3 Minimize Memory Load] (Severity 2)  
  Sandbox is clearly defined only on the front page. This could also be considered a "speak the users language" problem.  
7. [H4 Consistency] (Severity 2)  
  When selecting classes from the sandbox or registration screens the add button first appears on the right hand margin and then on the bottom.  

[H5 Feedback] (Severity 2)

  When a course is selected in the registration and sandbox calendar the blue line indicating selection is not strong enough, other courses could be grayed out, or see my first H1 comment.  
9. [H5 Feedback] (Severity 2)  
  When selecting a pass no pass the class does not appear different in the schedule. The grading method should be reflected on the schedule  
10. [H6 Marked Exits] (Severity 0)  
11. [H7 Shortcuts] (Severity 2)  
  The system forces the user to register for course one at time from the sandbox, most people are reasonable decisive, a check boxes would allow for multiple class additions