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Critical Incidence Log

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User #1 Task #1
Task #2
Task #3

User #2 Task #1
Task #2
Task #3

User #3 Task #1
Task #2
Task #3

User #1, Task #1 (Find a class about networking)

User Comment:"I would look for IS250."

The user browses instead of searches for the class. The user scrolls the default course list on the homepage.She clicks on IS250 link.

User Comment:"It wouldn't be clear to me that I wouldn't get access to the comments [when clicking on the IS213 link].It is nice that I came upon [the login page or the comments??]."

User taken to login page. The testers realize they forgot to put in a "Submit" button on the login page.

User Question:"Am I a new user?Would prospective students be able to register?"

User fills in login screen. Comment:"I hit 'Submit'." Taken to page with comments regarding IS250.

User notices that the "Add Comment" button is no longer grayed out after she logged in.

User Comment:"I would want to know what the course rating scale was. Nice visual."

User noticed that the name of the person who submitted the comment is included by the comment.

User Comment:"I'm a little confused.There are no ratings by the individual comments.I would want to see the information pertaining to each poster. I wouldn't care about the comment until after I read it.The name of the poster shouldn't be in bold."

User said she wanted to see the course rating prominently.

It took a while for the user to notice the course recommendations that are above the comments. The user liked it but said she wished she had seen them earlier. She wanted to see the actual name of the recommended class and not just the course number as is now shown.

User #1, Task #2 (Search for User Interface Class)

User comment:"I keep looking at 'Search'. I don't want to mess with that. I don't know what 'Course Description' means." Therefore, user does not perform a search.

User looks at navigation but wants to avoid it. She comments that she doesn't know what the "Shopping Cart" button means.

User comment:"If I was using the system for the first time, I would want to play with it. I would want to post a comment to IS250."

User clicks on "Post a Comment" button.

The user assumed she could just submit the comment and not have to preview.

User question/comment: "What does 'Preview' do? I would want to choose 'Enter' or 'Submit'."

User selects "cancel" button.

User comment:"I need to look at lefthand navigation.I don't know which one I would pick.I guess I could look under 'Subject' and find 'User Interface'. I don't know where I would go if I choose 'Subject'".

User chooses "Submit" button??

User confused about what semester she should be looking for. She is told to look for Spring 2001.

User clicks on "IS213" link.

User comment:"If I wasn't looking for courses for next semester, I would browse 'All Courses'. From the IS213 page, I would want to find other UI classes offered this semester."

User clicks on 'Subject' button.

User comment:"I don't know what UI would be under" while looking at subject list on default course subject page.

User comment: "I would think core courses would be under other categories [other than the ones listed]".

User comment:"It seems like IS213 is the only UI classes but that's not true."

User #1, Task #3 (Post a comment)

User comment as computer changes screens to homepage: "You took away the 'Add Comment' button? I would like to add a comment to another class but can't."

Clicks on IS250 link. Clicks "Add Comment" button.

User comment:"I wish 'Add Comment' would be by the comments and not on the [left hand] side [navigation bar]."

When filling out course rating information, user states she finds it hard to find out which graphic corresponds to which radio button.

The user clicks the "Preview" button.

User comment:"Is this the most 'Thumbs up' possible? I would want to check this."

User selects the back button on the browser in order to verify the 'Thumbs up' issue. Hits the "Preview" button again.

User comment:"I might be torn between the 'Forward' button and 'Preview Button'"

User hits "Submit" button.

User #1, Debriefing

Question:"Is it better to not have a search button?"

User Answer:"I would rather work with what's right in front of my face."

User says she was confused by default homepage. She says she didn't know what would come up when she clicked on the IS250 link the first time.

User asks about the way the courses were classified in the default course subject page.She says that course dealing with user interface design shouldn't be under the "Users and Society" course heading.

User question:"What the difference if I hit the 'All Courses' button?"

User question:"Does the site contain the whole UC Catalog?"

User comment:"I would have no idea what outside classes are doing [on a SIMS course site]."

User says she would prioritize the way the courses are grouped (on the 'All Courses' page). She would put SIMS courses first.

User commented on how toolbar changed while she used the site.

User said that this site would not be relevant to new students since first year first semester courses are fixed.

User comment:"Maybe comments on core courses would be good."

User comment:"I don't get 'Search' part."

User comment:"I am only concerned with course categories [the bottom toolbar on the left hand side of the page] to do my tasks. I am confused by the first toolbar. The second toolbar is devalued by being in bottom left hand corner."

User says that when she views a site, she starts at bottom right, then looks up, and then left and then down. Therefore, the main navigation toolbars are the last thing she saw.

User #2, Task #1 (Find a class about networking)

User Question: Is this the first time I access the site?

Answer: Yes. But we won't have to register you…

User chooses to browse the system.

Clicks on "All Course" button. Clicks on IS250 link.

User Question:"Do I have to login first when I click on course name?"


User logs in. Sees course page for IS250.

User wonders what do the thumbs means? What is the scale 0-5, etc.? He knew that thumbs up was good but didn't understand the grouping of thumbs.

The user was later asked- "If you knew what the rating scale was, would you want to compare the rating of this course to other courses?"

User Answer:"Yes."

User wants to look at other course to compare to IS250. He wants to see how people review IS202/204.

User navigates to "Required Course" button and selects it.Selects IS202 link from the page that comes up.

User #2, Task #2 (Search for User Interface class)

I noticed the user tried to click on the word search instead of first typing search terms into text box.

The user wrote "User interface, usability" into "Search" text box.User did not pay any attention to "Course Description" attribute next to the text box.

User clicked on IS213 link on search results page.

User browses IS213 page.

User Question: "What is the link at the bottom?" User is referring to the IS213, Fall 2000 link. User said he would click on it. User clicks on it.

User clicks the "Add Comment" button. Taken to add comment page.

User clicks "Preview" button. Clicks "Submit" button after reviewing the comment preview page.

User #2, Task #3 (Post a Comment)

The user confidently proceeded through the task without noticing that the displayed class (IS213) was not the same as the class mentioned in the task statement (IS250). That is, he easily and successfully added a course comment, but to the wrong course.

User #2, Debriefing

User comments about problems he had had figuring out course rating scale.

User Question: "Who would login to the site- only SIMS students?"

User Comment: "I would like to see a lot of postings. One or two would be a good indicator [of quality of class, etc.]."

User mentions privacy.

User liked recommended courses features. It provides a correlation. It gives an impression about other classes.Would like to see what each person recommends.

User says he would like to view all comments posted by a particular person.

User #3, Task #1 (Find a class about networking)

User question:"Can I be anonymous?"

User comment: "I would type 'networking' in your search." Types in info, press "Submit" although says she would like to just press the "Return" key.

Selects IS250 link that appears on search results page. Logs onto system and submits. User comment: "I assume I'm not a new user."

Looks at description and comments for IS250 a long while.

User suggests that the e-mail address of the poster should be added. However, e-mail addresses might change (when people graduate, etc.).

User question/comment: "How do I get out of the screen? Would I want to close the entire thing? Would I need to login again? I'm looking for a way to exit or return to the course listings."

User question: "Has [the site] changed? You changed something." We pointed out the various changes that go on when people login, etc.

User comment: "Always give people exits. I wouldn't want to go back to listing of courses."

User #3, Task #2 (Browse to find a User Interface class)

The user scrolls and picks the "Users and Society" subject heading link from the homepage. The user said that she was looking for a heading of "HCI".

User says she found numbers by course titles confusing.

User clicks on IS213 link.

User question after being taken to IS213 page with comments: "I got this page because I already logged on?"

User says she liked the related courses feature. She says she would click on one of the recommended classes.

User #3, Task #3 (Post a comment)

User comment: "I still need an exit to get out." She presses an imaginary exit button and we show her the default course subject page.

User scrolls and clicks on IS250 link.

User comment: "I always want my actions to be on the right hand side. You do things left to right."

User presses "Add Comment" button. User has no problem filling out the comment. However, she hesitates when it comes time to preview the comment.

User comment: "I want to just say I'm finished."

User hits "Preview button. User submits comment by clicking on "Submit" button.

User #3, Debriefing

User says she thinks that the comments should be made anonymously. She doesn't want retribution. Discussed posting policies for bulletin board which she managed- no hate speech allowed, etc.

She discussed the buttons on the post a comment page. She says she just wanted to finish and submit the comment without previewing it. She also didn't like the use of the word "preview". She agrees, however, that it might be important for someone to see what she's done. Perhaps the comment could be placed next to the comment preview on the same screen. Allow user to edit comment.

User says she didn't have a problem finding the "Post Comment" button.

User says she wanted to exit the screens.

User says there should be a space that says "Protect my privacy" somewhere on the site.

User says she would have problem making a negative comment if comments were not anonymous.

When asked, the user says she didn't notice that the individual poster's ratings were not posted, only the aggregate ratings. She said that she would simply like to glance at the comments and tell if the course is good or not.


Last Modified: Mar-08-2001

Copyright 2001: Linda Duffy, Jean-Anne Fitzpatrick, Sonia Klemperer-Johnson, James Reffell