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Usability Testing - Introduction

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We approached the informal usability testing with a few questions in mind, gleaned from both our experiences and from the heuristic evaluation. We intended to get feedback on the questions from the test, the post-test questionnaire, and the post-test interview. These questions included:

  • Is the rating scale understandable and easy to use? We have changed our rating scale from thumbs to numbers in reaction to the heuristic evaluation results. We wanted feedback about the numeric scale before designing our third prototype.

  • Is the system's purpose clearly explained? We intend for users to be able to quickly understand the nature, scope, and purpose of the site when approaching it for the first time. We wanted feedback about whether this goal has been met.

  • Is the unthreaded comment system sufficient for user needs, or is a threaded comment system required? During the initial design phase, we sketched both a threaded system (allowing for replies to other comments, not only to the initial topic) and a linear system (allowing only replies to the initial topic). All of our prototypes have since been linear systems, and we continue to ask ourselves whether a threaded design would be preferable.







Last Modified: Apr-25-2001

Copyright 2001: Linda Duffy, Jean-Anne Fitzpatrick, Sonia Klemperer-Johnson, James Reffell