SFnight Project
Structured Interview Protocol



Knowing the Person


1.      Are you




2.      Are you

 A college student

xA graduate student

 Employed full time [but not a student]




3.      How old are you?

 Over 46 years old

 31-45 years old

x21-30 years old

 Less than 20 years old


4.      How long have you been using the Internet


x More than 5 years

 2-5 years

 1-2 years

 Less than 1 year



5.      How many hours do you spend on Internet an average week

 More than 20 hours/week

x10-20 hours/week

 5-10 hours/week

 Less than 5 hours/week



Knowing the Nightlife Consumer



6.      How often do you go out to bars and clubs?


 More than 15 times/month

 10-15 times/month

x 5-10 times/month

 Less than 5 times/month


7.      Do you usually go out to the same bar/club?


Group of friends, normally the same place
Like to explore when have visitors




8.      Do you like to explore new bars/clubs?


Same above



9.      What kind of bars/clubs do you like to go? [music, style, for dancing, etc] Are they close to your job, home or school?

Mood to loud=> clubs and dancing

Bars= indoor, with pool table, drinks, something live




10.  Do you have any specific music preference? Or bar style preference?


Dance music, British bands

Do not like to go to bars where find people around 18. Like the same age of his friends.




11.  Make a list of things that comes to your mind when you are choosing a bar or club to go. [explore aspects of the user answer. We would like to know about their motivations, needs etc. So try to know what they are looking for (music? What kind? A place to relax? A place to play? Depends on? Of what? What elements are subjacent his/her decision; what they like in a bar/they don’t; etc]



Location, don’t have transportation/ too far way he would have to take cab / type of music. If it is horrible don’t go / neighborhood / if it is crowd

Usually look at flyers to know about people and music





12.  With whom do you usually go to bars

Never            Sometimes           Most of the Time


Alone                                             ……….            ………..                       ……….           


With friends/colleagues                ……….            ………..                       x……….


With ‘significant other’                   …[not have]…….        ………..                       ……….


      With others                                   ………..           x………..                     ………..




13.  How do you usually contact yours friends/significant other when inviting them to go to a bar/club? Do you use telephone, e-mail, direct contact, etc.




e-mail and cell phone. Send a message to his friends with cc. Usually for Friday nights.





14.  Or how do you usually is invited by yours friends/significant other when to go to a bar/club? Do they use telephone, e-mail, direct contact, etc.




Same above





15.  What information do you usually exchange with your friends when choosing a bar? [for example, do they give you several options or just invite to a specific one name of the bar, address, who is playing, direction, price, who is going etc. Here is just some elements that you can explore in the conversation, but let the interviewed bring the elements]



They know already they are going, and the kind of music is there.

At school they use Invitation tools




Knowing the Nightlife User




16.   Which source do you use most when you want to know what is going on in a bar/club? How it help you to make your decision?


Just some examples:
Friends [by e-mail, by invitation]

Newspaper [traditional one] NO

Newspaper [free] NO


Site online [what kind]



Mostly Flyers and also Citysearch for explore new places.


17.  Do you use any web sites to find about nightlife entertainment? for example to find movies, restaurants, where do you find information about them? Please give names.


Only in special situation. Kind of venue/ Where/ if is really expensive




18.  Have you visited any web site of bars? Which one(s)?



The Filmore for buy tickets. Also they have warns about shows.

Usually they are not specific enough about average price


19.  Have you visited any DJ web site?


Only of a friend





20.  If you use any web site with entertainment information, what do you usually looking for? What kind of information you would like but you can’t find there?


Looking for price, location.




21.  If you use any online system, what functions do you use most? What you don’t use?





22.  Is there anything you would like to see there that would help you to use better the site?







23.  When using the site you tend to check a specific bar to know what is going on?




Already know about their preferred bars.





24.  What would you make not go to a bar if you knew in advance?



People around 18. Like the same age of his friends.





Knowing about Personalization / Customization


25.  Do you use any personalization feature [explain if necessary, such as the ones like myYahoo, Amazon.com, etc]. 

No. It is there but do not use. Maybe because is time consuming.




26.  If so, do you usually check those pages? What do you like on them, and what you don’t like?







27.  Which web site do you think is a good example of personalization for you? Why?



Amazon.com feature capture by deeper to learn more could be good.




28.  Have you ever specified your preferences to receive Newsletters or updated information from those web sites you use to visit? Which ones do you like most? What you don’t like on them?



Normally more technical information related to his career. What is relevant for it.







29.  How do you share information available in the web with your friends? Send the page by e-mail? Copy and paste the information you would like to share?





If there is no feature to e-mail, use copy/paste to e-mail






30.  Do you use those ‘invitation’ tools? Or those kinds of ‘send to your friend’?


only from people at school [his friends are from SF, professionals and not students]