1. [H1Visibility of system status ](Severity 3)
There is no information about how many books are available for searching. The user is not given information about what is the scale of book availability. Is it for searching SIMS textbooks only or also includes related books and readers?
2. [H3 User control and freedom ] (Severity 3)
When selling a book, user cannot add new book to sell. She can only choose from one of the existing books. The systems should give user the flexibility and control of what book she want to sell.
3. [H5 Error prevention ] (Severity 3)
When user opens an account, the systems requires a password and confirmation. There is no check of consistency between password and confirmation. Nothing prevents user from entering inconsistent password.
4. [Flexibility and efficiency of use] (Severity 2)
Find book interface is not very flexible and efficient. Although user may browse available books course by course, she may also want to view a complete list of available books. There is no way for her to do this. A possible solution is to have a list of all books sorted alphabetically by title and let user to do multiple choice by checkbox. By this way, user can view details of several books she may be interested.
5. [H8 Aesthetic and minimalist design ] (Severity 2)
Testimonials can be a minor distraction for user, since it gives information unrelated to the task. Something related to course or the book may be better.
6. [Help and documentation] (Severity 2)
Help and documentation are centralized in a separate page in this system, which is not convenient for users. Help in form of brief instruction and tips might be also available aside each interaction point. User can get instant access to help when she is interacting with the system, instead of interrupts her task for going to help section.