project prototype: SIMS Textbook Exchange
Neat interface. Bright and fresh color scheme. Keep going!
[number of violations]
3 [15]
Severity 2 [10]
Severity 1 [05]
Severity 0 [02]
Missing Functionality
Under Development?
General Problems
General Suggestion
Rating Scheme
The Heuristic Evaluation Guidelines
of SFnight by SIMS Textbook Exchange Team
[H1: Visibility of system status ] (Severity 3)
There is no information about how many books are available for
sale. The user cannot gage how large the forsale book pool is.
Also, the user cannot tell if the site is for searching SIMS
textbooks only or also includes related books and readers?
[H2: Match between system and the real world] (Severity 3)
When completing Task 1 - looking for "buy" books.
The tabs "sell books" and "edit posting"
seem pretty obvious as for what they may do. The not so obvious
tab / link choice is "find books". Not sure if "find
books" relates to buy since search is considered a separate
If I recall, the concern with "buy" was that it
isn't guaranteed users will be able to buy something, but
neither is "sell". The words communicate the action
that can be completed even if the site does not guarantee
that users will be able to complete either goal. A separate
disclaimer about the services offered may be a better solution.
possible compromise design can just change the description
link in the homepage to "find books to buy" - get
that notion into the user head and then perhaps find book
tab is understood to also allow "buy".
keep the "find books" tab to use for search purposes.
See next comment about this. (This also conveniently tells
a student all the books needed for a course.) And then add
a "buy books" tab that simply lists what is available
for sale. See Missing Functionality.
Users can see at a glance what is available. I don't think
there will be that many books that the page will be ridiculously
[H2: Match Between System and the Real World] (Severity: 3)
In Sell Books page, after user completes the posting steps,
the new page will show a link for 'View your new posting as
it appears on BESS'. Following that link, the user will see
all the other people who are also selling that book, and make
an offer to buy! I can think of no task scenario for a user
to buy and sell the same book at same time, so this function
is out of place.
Provide a preview mode in which users can go back to editting
the posting and/or change the sentence to "Check your
posting now".
[H3: User control and freedom ] (Severity 3)
When selling a book, user cannot add new book to sell. She can
only choose from one of the existing books. Ideally, the systems
should give user the flexibility and control of what book she
want to sell. Given the limitations of current project scope,
it should be clear to the users from the beginning the type
of books the system provides.
[H3: User control and freedom] (Severity 3)
By clicking at Amazon.com
at the Find
Books, users may navigate there and get lost to go back
to the system. Better provide the link to another window.
[H4: Consistency and standards] (Severity 3)
The interface mixes buttons
with sentences, like in Buy
a Book page. This is the result of the problem related to
Minimalism Design and use of too much information.
Solution(s) Instead
of "These people are selling this book:",
I would recommend something like "Choose the Book
Sellers You are Interested to contact to Make an Offer:"
and after the listing, only the button "Make an Offer"
and "Cancel" buttons
[H4: Consistency and standards] (Severity 3)
The interface presented an E-mail
address layout not standard, and not helpful for those users
who automatically copy and paste their e-mail, or very used
to quickly type.
[H4: Consistency and standards] (Severity 3)
It is not clear why there should be a login link as well as
an account button. The two should really mean the same, an area
where the user needs to login in order to perform tasks with
his/her account.
Solution(s) Keep either the login link or account button,
not both.
[H5: Error prevention] (Severity 3)
In the Login
page, the user is presented with both user login for existing
members and sign up for new members. The current layout requires
users to choose whether they are new or existing users, and
then continue. This can be confusing. Simply make it one step
for new member sign up, and a separate group of steps to complete
the login process by existing members. Also for the existing
member login area, instead of saying "email address (your
login...)", use the standard of "login (your email
[H5: Error prevention] (Severity 3)
The Search feature presented in the BESS interface can confuse
users, and generate an error message. The "Go!" button looks
as if it is only related to the "Title". Since there are only
a few categories, an appropriate cluster layout using radio
buttons can display all the categories and prevent errors. Dropdown
menu is more approparite for a much bigger options listing.
A non default mark is also recommended. By having the initial
sellection in Title, user might forget after providing the keyword.
Here's a suggested design:
[H6: Recognition rather than recall] (Severity 3)
the search results, users do not know if the book listed is
actually available for purchase. One has to actually look up
each individual book description to find out if there are copies
available for sale.
Simply indicate the number of copies available for sale next
to each book.
[H6: Recognition Rather than Recall] (Severity: 3)
In Sell Books page, user needs to enter personal information
every time s/he wants to sell books out. Could be a tedious
process if a second grade student wants to sell out a big part
of inventory
[H8: Aesthetic and minimalist design] (Severity 3)
The interface has too many explanations that we feel are not
needed. A general problem is the extra textual description that
accompanies processes. The extra units of information compete
with user's goals of saving time by forcing users to do extra
reading. This is found throughout the whole interface.
In the make offer page, the reminder by the "Send
offer" button: "Remember - there's no obligation
to buy", feels out of place. By the time the user is
ready to click the button, the user is ready to complete
the task and the reminder just makes the user think again
- as if questioning the user's decision at that point, thus
somewhat annoying.
I think the response page does a good job of reminding
users of the no obligation policy. To address any doubts
during the process of filling out the form and before
clicking on the "Send offer" button, there should
be a way, say a link to a policy page, that allows the
user to check the policy on making offers before doing
At Account
Maintenance: It would be enough to say something
"Here you can:
your postings
Change your password
Delete your BESS account "
general, if there is a button, their personas would know
that the buttons are to be pressed. That if they need
more information they will go to Help. The interface should
use less words and make the process itself easy. Consequently
all the sentence "Choose one of the buttons…page" is unnecessary.
[H10: Help and Documentation] (Severity: 3)
There is a Login hotlink in the upper right area of each page
(it turns Logout in Sell page). But how login can benefit the
user is not mentioned in the pages, no even an explanation for
its functionality. Clicking on Help, it gives less than under
[H11: Thrustworthiness] (Severity
Trust became an issue in web systems. Users need to know
who is offering the system and who is responsible for its maintenance.
This information probably will be available at the Member Guidelines
and Privacy Policy. But at the homepage
something minimal such as the identity of the responsible organization
should be visible, so users would know who is responsible for
the system. Also users need to know how to contact the responsible
organization/individual in case of problems.
2 [10]
[H1: Visibility of System Status] (Severity: 2)
After user/seller edited the
previous posting, the new page would not show the title(s) affected.
Feedback to user is needed.
2. [H2: Match between system and the real world] (Severity
This is a case where the system duplicates
the real world so much that the problem of the real world is
also duplicated. There are many foreigne SIMS students that
may not know the meaning of Obo/Firm.
When one is trying to sell a book, the term "firm"
may become obvious from the choices available. But the "willing
to bargain" still does not translate to "obo"
even if one already knows what that means.
We think the terms should still be used since a user only
need to learn the meanings once. Since this is a popular word
on auctions, maybe a link to a explanation at help would provide
a better understanding. In the sell area, could put "obo"
in parenthesis next to "willing to bargain".
[H3: User control and freedom] (Severity: 2)
In Sell Books page, user cannot use Shift- key or Ctrl- key
to select multiple books at the same time, which is already
a common practice in web page.
[H4: Consistency and standards] (Severity 2)
The interface used the link
Cancel and the button
Cancel in different pages. Users may be confused by this
different design for the same function.
It is reccomended to use the Cancel button.
[H4 Consistency and Standards] (Severity: 2)
In Find Books, clicking SIMS 202 will
lead user back to home page. Clicking on any other class will
let user stay in Find Book area
[H5: Error prevention] (Severity 2)
At Create
A New Account, the expression "Repeat password"
doesn't give the user a better sense why he/she should repeat
the password, specially those who are in a hurry.
Change to "Confirm password": this sentence by itself
give the user the idea that is necessary to confirm it.
[H7: Flexibility and efficiency of use] (Severity 2)
Find book interface is not
very flexible and efficient. Although user may browse available
books course by course, he/she may also want to view a complete
list of available books. There is no way for him/her to do this.
A possible solution is to have a list of all books sorted
alphabetically by title and let user to do multiple choice
by checkbox. In this way, user can view details of several
books he/she may be interested.
[H8: Aesthetic and minimalist design ] (Severity 2)
Testimonials can be a minor
distraction for user, since it gives information unrelated to
the task.
Something related to course or the book may be better.
[H8: Aesthetic and minimalist design] (Severity 2)
The link to Home at Find
Books for Sale is unnecessary. User has a clear option to
click the button Home.
[H10: Help and documentation] (Severity 2)
Help and documentation are
centralized in a separate page in this system, which is not
convenient for users. Additional help in form of brief instruction
and tips might be also available aside each interaction point.
User can get instant access to help when she is interacting
with the system, instead of interrupts her task for going to
help section. (See general comment about help.)
[H1: Visibility of system status ] (Severity 1)
While Edit Posting page shows the cover
picture of the book that user wants to sell, the Posting page
does not show it, which would give to user a comfirmation of
posting the right book and edition.
[H4: Consistency and standards] (Severity 1)
The interface presents all
command buttons (such as Cancel, Continue etc) at the left side.
The right side is not only a standard (at the Occidental world,
at least), but also directs the eye to the end of a step or
[H4: Consistency and standards] (Severity 1)
The system provide two directions
at the Login
page regarding login. The first direction, "Please Login!"
makes users think it's critical to login. The second direction,
"You need to login if you want to post a book for sale",
makes login not so critical. "Please login" only would
make sense if it would be mandatory to use the system.
[H4: Consistency and standards] (Severity 1)
The interface presents a feature called "Quick Search for Books",
which makes user expect a more advanced search (The Find one?),
as it is usually presented in the software and web environment.
"Quick search" is usually used for keyword searching.
Just using "Search for Books" will make it more clear about
the features offered. Also the use of the word "Quick search"
to represent both browse and search functions is not reccomended
a new design was presented for Quick Search for Books at
My Account, separating the Quick search from the Browsing
function. But since this was not consistent with the other
pages layout, I think their intention was to present as
appears at the Home page.
[H7: Flexibility and efficiency of use] (Severity 1)
The interface presents price comparison at the page Buy
a Book View . The personas may be more interested in seeing
the lower prices first, such as presented in the same page at
the sellers. Also aligning the results in the small table always
accelerates the information scanning.
[H7: Flexibility and efficiency of use] (Severity 0)
Information about edition and year is very important for
the courses' requirements, and for price bargains. The system
does not mention anything about the year, and presents uneditable
Edition information at: Browse by Class results and Sell
a Book form. Some students, such as the persona Sarah McClintock,
might be willing to pay less if the edition is older. Can the
sellers specify they have other edition instead? Or they only
can say this in the Comments section? Which has the separate
problem of not being available to buyers.
[H8:. Aesthetic and minimalist design] (Severity 0)
The homepage
needs a better explanation/presentation about what the system
does and how can it help students meet their goals. It also
would help market the provided service by highlighting the features.
Personas' main goals are to buy/sell textbooks. They 'get in
touch' for this purpose, not to make friends from the start.
The site facilitates communication for the primary goal.
A bullet presentation will help new
users understand better what is the system for:
BESS can help you to SELL and BUY textbooks:
You can post the books you want to sell to a large community
of potential buyers.
SIMS students will find the books you would like to sell
Easily find who is selling the books you need.
Compare prices between BESS sellers and Amazon.com, etc
New ways of contacting SIMS students and make friends
interface has an optional field for Seller comment about the
book, but it is not clear where the Comments
will appear.
interface at Buy
a Book View did
not provide to users ability to sort the results by Date, Price,
Conditions, etc. Considering that each semester there are 40
students, an unpopular book from a mandatory class may result
in a very extensive seller listing (also considering that this
system will be a success :). The personas may be interested
in first seeing only the one with better prices, or the ones
with better conditions, etc.
DEVELOPMENT? (We are not sure if the following should
be evaluated as part of the prototype or still underdevelopment.
In any case, issues to keep in mind for future development.)
Error prevention ] (Severity 3)
When user opens an account, the systems requires a password
and confirmation. There is no check of consistency between password
and confirmation. Nothing prevents user from entering inconsistent
PROBLEMS (Problems/bugs probably due to limitations
of the implementation and not real usability problems of the design.)
In the make offer page, the seller section do not reflect the
actual seller(s) the user has chosen.
2. When using the Browse by Course feature in the Home page,
selecting 210 brings the user to a different search interface
than the others.
We suggest getting rid of the term "help"
period. Instead, have something like "About BESS"
or "BESS FAQ". The area would include info about the
limits of the system, policy, definitions, terms of use, what
can be done with accounts, etc.
Rating Scheme
Don't think this is a usability problem.
1. Cosmetic problem
2. Minor usability problem
3. Major usability problem; important to fix
4. Usability catastrophe; imperative to fix
Heuristics Evaluation
reproduced from Nielsen's
Visibility of system status The system should always
keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate
feedback within reasonable time.
Match between system and the real world The system should
speak the users' language, with words, phrases and concepts
familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms.
Follow real-world conventions, making information appear
in a natural and logical order.
User control and freedom Users often choose system functions
by mistake and will need a clearly marked "emergency exit"
to leave the unwanted state without having to go through
an extended dialogue. Support undo and redo.
Consistency and standards Users should not have to wonder
whether different words, situations, or actions mean the
same thing. Follow platform conventions.
.Error prevention Even better than good error messages
is a careful design which prevents a problem from occurring
in the first place.
Recognition rather than recall Make objects, actions,
and options visible. The user should not have to remember
information from one part of the dialogue to another. Instructions
for use of the system should be visible or easily retrievable
whenever appropriate.
Flexibility and efficiency of use Accelerators -- unseen
by the novice user -- may often speed up the interaction
for the expert user such that the system can cater to both
inexperienced and experienced users. Allow users to tailor
frequent actions.
Aesthetic and minimalist design Dialogues should not
contain information which is irrelevant or rarely needed.
Every extra unit of information in a dialogue competes with
the relevant units of information and diminishes their relative
Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
Error messages should be expressed in plain language (no
codes), precisely indicate the problem, and constructively
suggest a solution.
Help and documentation Even though it is better if the
system can be used without documentation, it may be necessary
to provide help and documentation. Any such information
should be easy to search, focused on the user's task, list
concrete steps to be carried out, and not be too large.