Where books and kids and trees come together.

IS 213 -- User Interface Design & Development

ReadingTree: Interviews - Persona Development (Nanny)

Natalie Heins
WHEN: Sunday February 4, 2001
WHY: Proxy user, nanny to 3 children, ages 6, 3, and 1.
INTERVIEWED BY: Kirsten Swearingen
NOTES: Natalie was a good proxy user in that she provided a lot of information on Charlie's book selecting and computer habits. However, he is 6 years old and does not have strong reading, writing or typing skills so would not be a good target user for Reading Tree. I asked Natalie to answer the kid questions to the best of her ability, from Charlie's point of view.

1. What do you like to do after school/ on the weekends?
Didn't ask.

2. When do you read books?
At night, all day, at the library, for down time. Doesn't always READ the books-lots of the time he's just looking at pictures. Can read elementary sentences, like "This is a red book." I read to him a lot.

3. What kind of books do you like to read? Do you like stories or facts better (fiction or non-fiction)?
Non-fiction mostly. Things he can learn. Really likes books on space and the "Eyewitness" series.

4. What's your favorite book? How did you find it originally?
Doesn't have a favorite book, more like a "book of the week." Right now, the Eyewitness series. For fiction, really likes the Captain Underpants series.

5. When you pick out books how do you do it?
At the library, we use the LION system to look up books, find out the number. Like books on "jets" for instance. (I usually do the typing for him.) Then we go the section where that subject is and he just sits down on the floor and starts pulling them down, book by book and pores over them. Other books he finds out about from friends. Also asks me. Usually puts it "Can you find me a book about…?" Teacher takes him to the library every week and helps him find books. This past week, during story time they read about Jimmie's Boa-he found another book by the same author. His parents give him books, if there's something he's interested in. They're good about that.

6. What do you think is the best way to find a book you'll like?
Didn't ask.

7. For school projects/ book lists, how do you pick out a book?
Didn't ask.

8. Once you find a book you think you'll like, how do you get it?
Didn't ask.

9. What makes a book interesting to you?
Covers are very important. Also, has to have a lot of pictures.

10. Do you ever ask for books for your birthday? How do you know what to ask for?
No, doesn't ask. He knows he'll get some anyway.

11. Do you ever go shopping for books with your parents?
Doesn't usually go to bookstores-goes to library regularly.

12. Do you ever use a computer? Where? What do you use it for?
Uses the computer at home, in the study. Has been using it for about 2 years. Uses educational software-likes Mathblaster, ReadingBlaster, and Magic Schoolbus (can look inside a body, waterworks, or a rainforest-very cool). Also a science program, Yoda Math, and Richard Scarry Reading. Uses it for games too-Tonka Truck.

13. What's the hardest thing about using a computer?
Doesn't like ones that are above or below his ability. Yoda Math was too hard. Cat in the Hat too easy-seemed dumb. Has no problem with his fine motor skills, though clicking, holding and dragging is a little tricky sometimes. Biggest problem is when things don't go-when there are glitches or bugs, or a site is slow to load. When he was younger, this was a much bigger problem-he would get so frustrated and upset.

14. What do you like best about using a computer?
Likes creating things. Also, one program spits out a certificate when he finishes something-he LOVES that. Likes little games-there's a game show program. Definitely need to have audio. Likes discovering stuff-clicking on different parts of a big picture and things happen, things pop out at him.

15. Do you ever use the Internet? What are your favorite websites?
Doesn't use the Internet much. Goes to the PBS Arthur site sometimes. Oh, also likes me to help him look things up on Internet. The NASA site is very good.

16. Do you only IM/chat with friends you already know? If no: How do you meet new friends online? Do you always talk to the same people online? Do you look at people's profiles?
Does not IM or chat online.

17. Do you play video games? If so which are your favorites? What do you like about video games?
Yes, but mostly educational games.

18. How old are you?
6 years old (birthday is October so a young 6)