Where books and kids and trees come together.

IS 213 -- User Interface Design & Development

ReadingTree: Interviews - Persona Development (Child 2)

INTERVIEWED BY: Moryma Aydelott
WHEN: Sunday February 4, 2001
WHY: Child (potential user)
NOTES: Both boys wanted to be interviewed at the same time, which went okay except for when they took some time to fight over a beach ball.

1. What do you like to do after school/ on the weekends?
Get done with homework really fast and ride my scooter with my cousin (lives in the neighborhood).

2. When do you read books?
Read at home, at school, anywhere I want to or need to.

3. What kind of books do you like to read? Do you like stories or facts better (fiction or non-fiction)?
Like fiction books best.

4. What's your favorite book? How did you find it originally?
Captain Underpants. Heard about it from other kids who said it was good, read it at school and got it from the library to read it on my own.

5. When you pick out books yourself how do you do it?
Look at the books on the table at the library and pick one. Once on TV he saw a special on mummies, decided he wanted to learn more, looked for and found a book on the library on it..there's a series, like a mini encyclopedia for kids.

6. What do you think is the best way to find a book you'll like?
Look through books myself; if it looks good or sounds good I'll read it.

7. For school projects/ book lists, how do you pick out a book?
(Didn't ask - but see Question 5)

8. Once you find a book you think you'll like, how do you get it?
Didn't ask, but it seems he uses the library - see Question 5)

9. What makes a book interesting to you?
Pictures in the book and on the cover.

10. Do you ever ask for books for your birthday? How do you know what to ask for?
(Didn't ask.)

11. Do you ever go shopping for books with your parents?
(Didn't ask.)

12. Do you ever use a computer? Where? What do you use it for?
Yes, at home, for homework, to check e-mail. Doesn't have an online buddy list.

13. What's the hardest thing about using a computer?
Setting up computer games, especially when the computer crashes.

14. What do you like best about using a computer?
Don't have to write a bunch of messages by hand, just type them and send.

15. Do you ever use the Internet? What are your favorite websites?
Yes. Nintendo game codes, online game sites.

16. Do you only IM/chat with friends you already know? If no: How do you meet new friends online? Do you always talk to the same people online? Do you look at people's profiles?
(Doesn't chat online - see Question 14)

17. Do you play video games? If so which are your favorites? What do you like about video games?
Yes. Vicki Speedway USA (a driving game), James Bond 007 Golden Eye. I like that they're fun.

18. How old are you?