May 06
Answers for Study Questions of Chapter 13 posted here.
April 29
to Test 3.
April 23
Answers for Study Questions of Chapter 7 posted here.
April 18
Study question (and other information) on 'system performance' here.
March 27
The solution
for the midterm is posted.
March 13
The slides for today's lecture has been posted.
Study questions (and answers) are now available:
To help you in your preparation for the midterm on Tuesday, John will hold
his office hours Monday (3/17) 3-4pm instead of Tuesday (3/18) 3:30-4:30pm.
Come to office hours with any questions.
March 12
Study questions
for chapter 3 (networking) are now available.
February 27
Some schedule changes:
there will be no lecture on 3/6; you are encourage to use the time for
intra-group and inter-group meetings
project part 1 due date: changed from 3/6 to 3/11
midterm moved from 3/13 to 3/18
February 25
to Test 2.
February 11
to Test 1.
February 6
You can find an example code for the simple web client exercise here.
February 5
The following information was posted to the is206 mailing list. Please
make sure to subscribe to the mailing list if you haven't already done
Please review the following problems in anticipation of the class exam
on Tuesday (all are exercises in the CDK book):
Chapter 2: Problems 2.1, 2.5, 2.13
Chapter 5: Problems 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7
Chapter 6: Problems 6.1, 6.4, 6.9
You should also review the exercise [on web client] given by John Chuang.
January 21
Welcome to IS206! Please check this page on a regular basis for the latest
Please subscribe to the is206 mailing list via my.sims or majordomo@sims
as soon as possible.