Reading Response 1 (due 2/9)
Due: Tuesday, February 9
Find a story in the news that relates to the topics and readings from the first 3 weeks of class (1/19-2/4). Several sites that are a hotbed for this type of stuff are listed below, but feel free to use any source you know of/can find. The story should be relatively recent - within the last 2 years or so - although if you find a story that is older and is still relevant, that's fine too. (Just make sure to explain why its still relevant)
We have covered a wide base in the first 3 weeks and it should be straightforward to find relevant news articles or blog posts that demonstrate some of the issues we have discussed. The paper should be a discussion of the news article, relating it back to one or more readings, as well as your interpretation/reaction to it. The point here is not to summarize the article you find or the readings, but instead to critically think about the topics and readings, and apply it/them back to a real world event or scenario.
1. Write a reading response paper - around 2 pages, doublespaced - which includes your discussion outlined above. Be clear and concise - we want you to stick to the 2 page limit as much as possible. We are not grading on quantity, just quality. Bring TWO printed, stapled copies of your report to class on February 9th. (NOTE: there is no online submission for this course - just bring the hard copies to class. And we need TWO copies, one for Coye and one for Erin)
2. Post your article to the course site in some capacity. You can simply add it as a social bookmark with a couple sentences in the description explaining the relevance, or you can write a short blog entry on the article and the connections you made with the link to the article. Its totally up to you how you want to post it*, the main point is to share it with the rest of the class. And definitely check out what your classmates are posting. Some really deep insight and new angles always come out of these reading responses and we hope sharing them will trigger some great discussions that we could not get to in our short class meeting times.
*NOTE: We are using the same controlled vocabulary as you did in 202 - so please tag your resource with the appropriate lecture tag: "L1", "L2", etc. There are no reading tags, so just tag it with the lecture tag appropriate for the reading(s).