Final Paper
Per our class discussions and feedback regarding your papers, we expect papers to be approximately 25-35 pages, double-spaced 12-pont font. You should use proper citations, including a ‘references’ or ‘works cited’ page. Though your topics vary widely, all papers should have a clear problem space and a primary argument (in some cases there are sub-arguments– but there should always be an over-arching argument). You may find it useful to ask yourself these questions as you review your final paper: How well do you support your argument? Does the paper show critical thought, evaluation, and research in the topic area? Is the paper well-written? Is the paper well organized?
The paper is due on May 11 by 4 pm. Leave 2 printed, stapled, copies of the paper in Coye’s mail box at the front office, 102 South Hall.
Paper Resources:
JSTOR - wide range of content in a trusted digital archive of over one thousand academic journals and other scholarly content (you need to use the Berkeley Library proxy to view these articles, unless you want to pay for a membership)
APA Guidelines (for citations)
Sample Papers
attached below
NOTE: these are simply examples of well formulated problem statements, justifications and arguments. Don't feel like you need to emulate these exact style, tone, etc.