Search and Retrieval: Finding Out About


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Table of Contents

Search and Retrieval: Finding Out About

Search and Retrieval Outline of Part II of SIMS 202

Human Aspects


Finding Out About (This discussion is drawn from Belew’s manuscript)

Question Asking

Question Answering

Assessing the Answer

Finding Out About is an Iterative Process

Finding Out About is a Dialog

Assessing the Answer

Relevance Feedback (part of the iterative process)

PPT Slide

Restricted Form of the Problem

Information Retrieval

Some IR History

Structure of an IR System


Query Languages

Simple query language: Boolean

Boolean Queries

Boolean Queries

Boolean Queries

Boolean Logic

Psuedo-Boolean Queries

Preview of later lectures: Web-Specific Issues

Preview of Later Lectures: Special Kinds of Search

Author: hearst


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