A10 Submission |
Assignment Submission |
kmpark |
Sun, 2012-12-09 14:06 |
Yes |
Chapter 2 - Activities in Organizing Systems |
Resource |
bryan |
Sun, 2012-08-19 13:58 |
Yes |
Seema Puthyapurayil finals |
Assignment Submission |
seema |
Tue, 2012-12-11 12:22 |
Yes |
A6. Faceted Classification |
Assignment Instructions |
bryan |
Tue, 2012-10-16 08:51 |
Yes |
Patients Crusade For Access To Their Medical Device Data |
Blog entry |
deb |
Wed, 2012-09-05 00:39 |
Yes |
A2. Andronico's vs. Amazon - Peter Nguyen |
Assignment Submission |
ptt.nguyen |
Wed, 2012-09-12 22:53 |
Yes |
A4: Sandra Helsley |
Assignment Submission |
syh |
Sun, 2012-09-30 11:10 |
Yes |
Google, Twitter and Honda will provide big data to analyze disaster and victims. How developers organize it? http://t.co/M4Q9ljhy #i202 |
Activity Stream Item |
sasaki |
Fri, 2013-01-18 23:41 |
Yes |
Mapping Conflict in Syria using Data Mining and Crowd Sourcing |
Blog entry |
divya |
Tue, 2012-09-04 22:02 |
Yes |
2.2 "six interrelated aspects" no.2 and no.3 have tabs instead of spaces and no.6 has a period where other bullets don't. #tdofix |
Activity Stream Item |
mgutman |
Tue, 2012-09-04 08:23 |
Yes |