An interesting piece of news came up on my feed today about King County Archives using the social media platform Pinterest in order to spread awareness of their historical photos to a wider audience. They established different boards, each with dozens of photos from their archives "ranging from old maps to artwork to images of the 1962 World's Fair". Considering we just discussed archives and the way they approach digitization of their work, I found this to be an interesting convergence of what we covered in class with a contemporary social media platform. The King County news helps take our reading from Trant further in a slightly different approach in my opinion. Where as our reading touched on archives digitizing their work in order to easily bring it to people and help preserve the original sources, King County's jump into Pinterest pushes the digitization of their work into a sector of individuals who live outside of the standard regional jurisdiction. I also feel that putting their photos onto Pinterest helps drive the experience of browsing through archives towards a "museum" state, where people can casually browse through the work and buy copies of it for a small price.