A2. Design Patterns

September 12, 2011
September 19, 2011 - 09:00
Compare and contrast the principles and design patterns guiding the organization of resources in Andronico's (using the attached store map) and Amazon.com (using this directory: http://www.amazon.com/gp/site-directory/ref=sa_menu_fullstore/188-2555179-9832500).

Write up your analysis as a report with 4 sections (we're being prescriptive here to ensure that you do all the parts of the assignment and to make it easier to evaluate your work):

1) What principles are used in the Andronico organizing system? Define each principle and provide a specific example of resources whose organization follows it.

2) What principles are used in the Amazon.com organizing system? Define each principle (if you haven't already done so in part 1) and provide a specific example of resources whose organization follows it.

3) What are the differences and similarities in the two organizing systems?

4) What causes these differences and similarities?

Aim for approximately 1000 words in total, which is about 2 1/2 pages of text formatted like the Discipline of Organizing chapters that you'll be consulting to help you with this assignment. Please either paste your response into the body of the assignment submission or attach a PDF.

Limit your analysis to what you can see or directly infer from the Andronico store map and the Amazon.com site.  You do not need to do any research about supermarket or e-commerce site design.