Transition from analog to digital in a multimedia archive

London’s Imperial War Museum (IWM) is renovating its technology infrastructure to take advantage of the benefits of digital storage. 

To do that, the organization is relying on a device that is able to migrate microfilms to digital video, encoding the digital asset in archive quality JPEG2000 and in MPEG-2 for broadcast. The interesting part is that migration automatically generates metadata on the data parsed. Operators can quickly and easily jump directly to any migration error - and make an instant determination whether further is required. A complete set of migration metadata is available as an XML file that can be easily transformed to a migration database or to a document. Some examples of the metadata elements generated here are black level, input loss level, audio threshold, etc.

The device is also simple enough that it can be run by non-technical staff. At the War Museum, the system is operated about five hours a day by collection assistants who are doing other jobs at the same time.

