The Face of Facebook

This article, published in the New Yorker, paints a humble portrait of the co-founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg.  In the article, Zuckerberg discusses his desire to create a more open, honest, and transparent world through Facebook.  

Perhaps a less humble goal that Zuckerberg has, is to "create, and dominate, a different kind of internet".  He says that "Google and other search engines may index the Web, but.. most of the information that we care about is things that are in our heads, right? And that's not out there to be indexed..."  

Zuckerberg believes that for many situations, people would prefer to consult their friends for advice and recommendations, then finding their answers using Google's algorithms for selecting a relevant web page.

A couple thought-provoking-202-esque questions:

  • Is Facebook really effective at it's goal of facilitating honesty, openness, and transparency?  Do people really portray who they are on Facebook or who they would like to be?  Do they have incentives to provide truthful information about themselves?
  • How are Google and Facebook different IO models, in terms of the picture from L7 on "A Conceptual Model fo Tagging 'Systems'"?