Organized land records in India and the IO IR trade off

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The importance of the organization of information can be seen in the above article which talks about the launch of a new database for property and land mortgages in India. This database will contain the details of the property and the information on the borrower who is using it as the collateral for his or her loan.
This will go a long way towards restricting fraudulent activities due to the current lack of digitized land records in India.

Once this database comes into existence, banks can rely on it to get an initial analysis of the persons details and thus both
the borrower and the bank are benefited. The borrower because of the less time taken for the loan processing and the bank because of the savings in the verification of the borrowers' collateral property in the loan.

This also highlights the trade off between IO and IR.

Tradeoff Table
Information Organization  (Paper land records to Digital Database) Lot of money, effort and time
Information Retrieval (After the digitization) A simple select statement does the trick