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Hello everybody,
Our promised 202 search tool is now available on bit.ly/202search
You can enter a query and the tool will perform 4 different searches against the corpus of 202 lecture slides. The search algorithms are:
Please be patient. The processing may take around one minute since it's creating a document matrix and performing a lot of calculations (removing stop words, stemming, tf, idf, singular value decomposition, etc.) on the fly. But hopefully it's going to provide you with the precision and recall you want!
We divided each lecture into 4 or 5 different topics. We wanted more granular documents to benefit more from LSA recommendations. This should also lead to more precise results. Once you click on the link you want, you will only need to scroll through 5 or 6 slides instead of 30.
If you find any bugs, please let us know so we can improve the tool.
Good luck in the final exam,
Karen, Satish and Julián
PS Some examples of queries you can try: