SIMS 202 Information
Organization and Retrieval
Assignment 3
assignment authors: marti hearst & ray larson Assigned 9/20. Due 9/27.
Time estimates: Preliminaries: if you know
Unix basics, 10 minutes. Otherwise, 1 or 2 hours to learn Unix basics.
Tokenizing: 30 minutes (just reading and following instructions)
Note that the last part of this assignment has to be done using a
lab machine.
In this assignment
you will run a tokenizer program over a set of technical abstracts on the
topic of Artificial Intelligence. The tokenizer makes use of a stop list
and a stemmer in order to create an inverted list. You will also see the
creating of Zipf distributions first hand.
This assignment
requires limited use of Unix commands. There is a tutorial available in
the lab. Another can be found here.
Bring up a unix shell using the SecureCRT
program. You can work on info or irony (irony is a faster machine). Create a new directory in your home
directory. Let's say you call it my-a6. Make this your current directory
(by running the unix command: cd my-a6). Data files are in Copy all the files in that directory
into your directory. You can use Netscape's save file command but it can
mess up the format, so it is better to just do the following from the unix
prompt in your directory my-a6: cp
/www/docs/courses/is202/f99/data/* . The period means "copy
the files to this directory." Take a look at the data files, ait*.t Question 1:
How big is ait1.t? How many different articles are in this file? (hint:
use grep followed by wc).
Tokenizing and Inverting the
Text Files
We have made available a program called
does the following things:
(Note: the program
is set up to ignore terms that occur only one time in the collection.)
You are going to run postdoc on two different
sizes of text data. The first has about 10 AIT documents and the second
has about 5000. To use postdoc, first edit the foarc
file to tell postdoc which input and output files to use. The symbolic
links made above let us pretend that all the files are in your local directory
even though they aren't. However, the output files you produce will
end up in your local directory. We are doing it this way because we want
every person to produce their own output files. For the first time through, set FilesFile
to be short-files.d and KwinvFile to short-kw-inv.d and DocsFile to short-docs.d
. You have to keep the tab in between the two fields. The three edited
lines should look like: FilesFile
short-files.d DocsFile
short-docs.d KwinvFile
short-kw-inv.d Leave the other lines
as they are. Now run the conversion program. You
have to run it from the directory with the files you've created. It uses
the foarc file to tell it where to look for input files and where to place
the output files. You run it by giving the full pathname of the program.
Just run it from the unix prompt, like this: ./postdoc If you get a segmentation fault message
it probably means you did not edit foarc correctly. This is just like running
a regular unix program like "cd" except for the standard programs the system
knows where they are located (because your .cshrc file contains information
about where programs are usually located). If you don't understand this
paragraph, don't worry about it. After the program finishes you should
have an output file short-kw-inv.d in your directory my-a6. Now you have to modify foarc again.
The second time through make the following changes to foarc (remember you
have to make sure there is a tab between the two fields): FilesFile
long-files.d DocsFile
long-docs.d KwinvFile
long-kw-inv.d Run postdoc again.
It should take a long time to finish. When it is done you should end up
with a new file called long-kw-inv.d Now run the program without using a
stop list, on the small data set. To do this, first create an empty file
called empty.wrd. Then, in foarc, change FilesFile
short-files.d DocsFile
short-docs.d KwinvFile
short-kw-nostop-inv.d StopFile
empty.wrd Run the program again.
You should end up with a new file called short-kw-nostop-inv.d Question 2:
How is short-kw-nostop.inv.d different than short-kw-inv.d, both quantitatively
and qualitatively?
Examining the Data
Look at short-kw-inv.d.
This is an inverted index. The first column shows the stemmed word, the
second column shows how many documents the stemmed word occurs in (docfreq),
the third shows its raw frequency in the collection (termfreq). The remaining
fields show the IDs of the documents that contain the term. This is structured
as follows: How often the term occurs (call this tf). The number of documents
in which the term occurs tf times. The ids of those documents. In other
words, the line:
commit 2 5 4 1 10 1 1 7 means that the term
occured in two documents in the entire collection. Its total frequency
(number of occurrences) in the collection was 5. In one document, it occured
four times. The document in which this happened was document 10. In one
document, it occured one time. This document was document 7.
Question 3:
Describe, in the same, manner as above, the information associated with
the term intellig for short-kw-inv.d. Question 4:
What are the five most frequent no-stopword terms in short-files? (Hint:
use the unix sort command on short-kw-inv.d.)
Viewing and Analyzing the
Zipfian distribution
We now want to convert
these inverted files into a form that can be viewed according to its Zipfian
distribution. We are going to view the results using an information visualization
Recall that the Zipfian distribution is
an effect seen when the data is ordered by its rank. First we have to see
how often each term occurs. The term that occurs most frequently is assigned
rank 1. The term that occurs second most frequently is assigned rank 2,
etc. Thus if frog occurs 100 times, and this is the most frequent
word, it is assigned rank 1. If toad occurs 96 times, and this is
second most frequent, it is assigned rank 2. Say three terms remain, and
they all occur 2 times each. They are tied, but we deal with ties arbitrarily,
assigning them increasing ranks, 3, 4, and 5. Rather than writing a program, we can
convert this file using a pipeline of unix commands. It took me a little
while to figure out how to make this work, so I am giving the sequence
of commands to you here for converting short-kw-inv.d: cat short-kw-inv.d | cut -f 1,3 | sort -k 2,2 -nr | \ awk '{s += 1; print s, "\t", $2, "\t", $1}' > short-zipf.txt We are going to
use short-zipf.txt as input to the visualization program, and it requires
tab-separated input.
Question 5:
Describe what each stage of the pipeline does. Hint: you can produce intermediate
temporary results to see what each step does, e.g., cat
short-kw-inv.d | cut -f 3 > out and then look at the
contents of "out". Run the same command on long-kw-inv.d
but put the results on long-zipf.txt. Do the same for short-kw-nostop-inv.d
putting the results in short-nostop-zipf.txt. Now run the visualization program. You
have to use the SIMS machines for this as this is the only place it resides.
The program is located at: Start\Research
& Analysis\Data Visualization\Spotfire Pro Load in your data
file short-zipf.txt using the File\Open menu choice (you have to tell it
to take a file ending in .txt). The system should just load things properly.
It shows the data as a scatter plot of rank against frequency. Question 6:
Using the visualization to answer this question: How many terms occur 10
times in short-zipf.txt? Which terms occur 15 times? Question 7:
Use the tabs on the X-axis and Y-axis to change the input the scatter plot.
Set Y to Column 1 and X to Column 2. Does this change the shape of the
curve very much? Now Change Y back to Column 2 and set X to Column 3. Does
alphabetical order of terms correlate to word frequency? Question 8:
Now load in the data for short-nostop-zipf.txt. How is this different or
similar to the graph for short-zipf.txt. Why? Now load in the data for long-zipf.txt. Question 9:
Play around with the sliders to see different subsets of the data. Note
that these are special sliders that let you focus on a subset of the data.
Moving both arrows close together on an axis greatly reduces the number
of data points you see. Adjust the sliders so you can answer this: about
how many terms have frequencies between 480 and 500? Question 10:
(This is the important question.) Compare the fully-expanded initial view
of long-zipf with the fully-expanded initial view of short-zipf. Discuss
the similarities/differences. Why does this occur? Question 11:
(This is the other important question.) Think about tf*idf term weighting.
Discuss how these graphs show why we divide the frequency with which a
term occurs in an individual document (tf) by the number of documents it
occurs in (df). Why is this a good strategy for ranking documents? Question 12::
Turn in screenshots of the visualization showing short-zipf and long-zipf
separate images are fine). Please submit a hard copy of your assignment in class. Please clearly separate your answers from the questions and from each other to facilitate grading. Also, keep an electronic copy of your assignment in case we ask you to submit it to be posted as an example of a good answer! |