Emacs quick reference guide
(exerpted from a previous work by David Revelt)
Key commands:
C-  stands for holding down the CONTROl key
M-  stands for holding down Meta key (usually ESCAPE key)
;   stands for a newline character (i.e. hit the RETURN key)

Keys		Effect

C-x C-s		save the current file
C-x C-c	y	save the file and quit

C-g		quit out of any key seqence (quit)
C-/		undo last command (can be used repeatedly to undo a
		series of commands)

C-f		move forward one character (forward/right arrow)
C-b		move backward one character (back/left arrow)
C-n		move down one line (next line/down arrow)
C-p		move up one line (previous line/up arrow)
C-a		move to beginning of line
C-e		move to end of line
C-v		move forward one-half screen
M-v		move back one-half screen
M-<		move to top of document
M->		move to bottom of document

C-d		delete current character
C-k		delete from current character until next newline mark
C-h		*delete previous character (like BACKSPACE)
C-w		delete a marked region

C-j		insert blank line (like return)
C-y		"yank" a region out of kill-ring, i.e. once you have
		killed a line or region with C-k or C-w, C-y will
		paste it back
M-q		fill text, i.e. remove end of line markers (\) on the
		right hand margin (like C-j in pine)
C-t		flip the order of current character with previous one
M-t		flip order of current word with previous one (transpose)

C-SPACEBAR	set a mark at one location in the text
C-@		same as C-SPACEBAR
C-x C-x		move from your current location to where you set the mark

C-s		search the document forward for string you name
C-r		search the document backward for string you name

C-u command	will execute "command" 4^n times, where n is the
		number of times you hit C-u first (e.g. C-u C-u C-f
		moves forward 16 spaces)

M-x replace-string;	type in string to replace; and then type replacement;
M-x insert-file;	type in path for file you want to insert at
			current point
M-x overwrite-mode;	toggles between insert and overwrite mode (insert is
			the default)
M-x line-number mode;	puts line numbers at the bottom of the screen
M-x spell-buffer;	spell checker for entire document

There are many more commands and functions besided these.  Check out
the emacs tutorial and the emacs info pages for more help.

Buffer manipulation:

C-x C-f filename:	create a  new buffer and fill it with filename
C-x b buffername:	switch focus to bufferame
C-x b newbuffername:	creates empty buffer of that name
C-x k [buffername]:	kill current buffer or buffername
C-x C-s [buffername]:   save (write to disk) current buffer or buffername
M-x kill-some-buffers:  be prompted to delete all buffers one at a time
M-x rename-buffer
C-x C-v filename:	dumps current buffer replaces with filename
C-x C-b			gets a list of buffers