- <HTML>
- open an HTML document.
This tag, together with its matching </html> should enclose every HTML document.
- <HEAD>
- open document heading
- open document title
(The title between this tag and the next one will appear as the title of the document window the Web browser.)
- </TITLE>
- close title
- </HEAD>
- close document heading
- <BODY>
- open body of document
- <H4>
- open heading of size 4 (can be size 1-6)
(This tag and the next one makes the enclosed text large and bold. It is used for headings and subheadings within a document.)
- </H4>
- close heading
- <UL>
- open an unordered list
This and the </ul>below should enclose the entire list
- <LI>
- a list item
(This is what puts the "bullet" or dot in front of each item on the list.)
- <A HREF="">
- a hypertext anchor, or link
The address (or URL) of the linked web page is enclosed in the quotes.
- </A>
- A close anchor tag. The "clickable" linked text should be enclosed between this tag and the <A HREF="http...> tag above.
- </UL> Closes a list.
- <P>
- a paragraph tag
(Skips a line and starts a new paragraph. Can be used more than once for extra line spacing.)
- <BR>
- A line break - begins a new line. (Without a line space like the <P> tag.)
- <HR>
- a horizontal rule, a line across the page for separating content sections
- <!--
- Open comment. The web browser will pay no attention to anything between this tag and the next one. (Use it to make comments in your HTML documents that only you will see. For example, reminders to help you when you edit the document later. These comments are not required, but can be useful.)
- -->
- Close comment.
- </BODY>
- end of document body
- </HTML>
- end of HTML document