Assign 3 Evaluator List |
Student Projects |
Examples of Past Projects |
Creating Frames |
Reading Lists 28 Aug |
Assignments 25 Aug |
Class Schedule 25 Aug |
Grading Policy 25 Aug |
Help Files to be added |
Class List 8 Sept |
This course is intended for upper division undergraduates and graduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences. It will provide students an opportunity to learn how to use the WWW for research purposes and for development of course related and research oriented projects.
Students will learn how to: search for and locate materials available on the Web; become familiar with a variety of Web sites useful for research and information sources; create their own Web documents using HTML; evaluate the information found by searching the Web; develop, design and evaluate a project of their own choosing suitable for placement on a Web site. At the beginning of the semester students should have in mind a possible project that involves use of information and information resources in the Humanities or Social Sciences.
This is an introductory course for beginners. Prerequisites include a basic understanding of computer operations and previous use of networking functions such as email and file transfer. Preference will be given to students meeting these qualifications from Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines. Students from other subject areas will be considered space permitting. Graduate students are encouraged to enroll.
Course Structure
Class meetings: The two class meetings each week will be used for lectures, class discussions, presentation and evaluation of student work, and review of student work in progress.
Course Website: Course assignments, reading lists, class calendar, and eventually student projects will be available on the Course Website: . The site can also be accessed via the SIMS Home Page at: (Click on Current Course Schedule, Infosys 190, section 2).
Course Requirements Class Attendance: Enrolled students are expected to attend class meetings and to participate in class presentations and discussions.
Participation in Class Discussions: Students are expected prepare for and participate in class discussions on assigned topics.
Completion of Assignments: Completion of all assigned work is required to receive a passing course grade. (C or better).
Technical Preparation: Students will have to acquire the necessary technical skills to: create HTML encoded documents, transfer electronic files to the Web server, scan and process electronic images and manage files and directories on the Unix server in order to complete course assignments. The lab Tutor and instructor will provide support for these operations through the lab and office hour assistance, assigned readings, and instructional sheets accessible on the course Website. But students must take personal responsibility for acquiring computer skills needed to complete required work.
For those who need an introduction to the Unix operating system, we recommend: Grace Todino, et al. Learning the UNIX operating system. O'Reilly & Associates, 1993. (widely available in paperback for $10.)
Required Texts:
- Course Reader (available at Copy Central, Bancroft Way)
- Morris, Mary and Randy Hinrichs. Web Page Design. Sunsoft Press, 1996.
Recommended Text:
- Wilson, Stephen. World Wide Web Design Guide. Hayden Books, 1995.
|| Course Page || Reading List || Assignments || Schedule || Help Sheets || || SIMS Home Page ||
author: Charlotte Nolan - -- with: Paul O'Leary & Lucy Kuntz -
date: Aug 17, 1997