Author: Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
Uniform title: Cato maior de senectute. English. Logan.
Title: M.T. Cicero's Cato major, or his Discourse on old age: with
explanatory notes. Philadelphia, Printed and sold by B.
Franklin, 1744.
Description: viii, 159 p. 20 cm.
Notes: Signatures: )(4, A-V4.
Title in red and black.
Translated and annotated by James Logan but sometimes wrongly
attributed to Franklin.
"The printer to the reader": p.iii-vi.
Generally regarded as the best specimen of printing produced by
Franklin's press. cf. Curtis collection of Franklin imprints; Evans' American
bibl., v.2, p. 258.
Subjects: Old age.
Other entries: Logan, James, 1674-1751.
Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790.
Call numbers: UCB Bancroft PA6308.C2 L6 1744 VAULT
Note: Dark olive polished morocco.