Author: Willard, Samuel, 1640-1707.
Title: A compleat body of divinity in two hundred and fifty expository
lectures on the Assembly's Shorter catechism wherein the
doctrines of the Christian religion are unfolded, their truth
confirm'd, their excellence display'd, their usefulness
improv'd; contrary errors & vices refuted & expos'd,
objections answer'd, controversies settled, cases of
conscience resolv'd; and a great light therby reflected on the
present age. By the reverend & learned Samuel Willard, M. A.
late pastor of the South Church in Boston, and vice-president
of Harvard College in Cambridge, in New-England. Prefac'd by
the pastors of the same church. Boston in New-England: Printed
by B. Green and S. Kneeland for B. Eliot and D. Henchman, and
sold at their shops. 1726.
Description: 1 p. l., iv, 3, [3], 158, 177-666, 581-914 p., 1 l. 34 cm.
Notes: Signatures: A6, B-V4, X2, Y1, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Zzz4, *Aaa-*Ppp4,
*Qqq2, Aaaa-Zzzz4, Aaaaa-Ttttt4.
Error in paging: p. 351 numbered 349.
Title in red and black; initials; tail-piece.
In rebinding, the t.-p. was mounted and the lower left line
border restored in pencil on the paper on which the t.-p. is
"The preface" signed: Joseph Sewall, Thomas Prince.
"It is the first folio volume, other than Laws, and the largest
work up to this time printed in the United States."--C. Evans,
Amer. bibl., v.1, p. 365, no. 2828.
The portrait of Rev. Samuel Willard engraved by Van der Gucht
frequently found as frontispiece is not original with the work
according to a letter from Harvard College Library regarding
it and other bibliographical information mounted on fly-leaf.
"An exact list of the subscribers according to the order of the
alphabet": [3] p. preceding p. 1.
"A catalogue of the author's works": 1 leaf at end.
Ex libris Henry B. Humphrey.
Subjects: Westminster Assembly (1643-1652) Shorter catechism.
Congregational churches -- Doctrines.
Sermons, American.
Other entries: Sewall, Joseph, 1688-1769, ed.
Prince, Thomas, 1687-1758, joint ed.
Call numbers: SRLF Spec.Col. * BX 9184 A5W6 Request at UCLA Special