INFOSYS 182AC. American Cultures: Print, Literacy, and Power: To 1900
     Mary Kay Duggan, Dept. of Music; School of Information,  Fall 2006, 3 units, MWF 11, 123 Wheeler Hall. Office Hours: M-W 12-1; 202 Morrison Hall.  E-mail:  Telephone: 642-2682.

Required Texts Walter Ong.  Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word.  NY: Routledge, 1982. Reader available at Copy Central, 2560 Bancroft Way.  Harriet Beecher Stowe.  Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Home | Reader 2006

Date Topic Reading

 Mon. Aug. 28

Introduction to the course and the field of the history of reading, printing, technology, and cultural studies


Wed. Aug. 30

The nature of oral and print societies; psychodynamics of orality.

Ong, Orality, especially Chap. 3.

Sept. 1

Writing, print and consciousness.

Ong, Orality, Chap. 3-5

Sept. 4

Holiday. Labor Day


Wed. Sept. 6 Class discussion: apply psychodynamics of Ong to oratory of Indians Reader #1, Oratory of N. Amer. Indians

Sept. 8

Levine, levels of meaning in Br'er Rabbit; Slave tales, the trickster. Joel Chandler Harris's Uncle Remus . Tar Baby without dialect. Native American trickster tales (Wile E. Coyote)

 Reader #2, Levine

Sept. 11


Literacy in America

Reader #3, Graff; #4 Greene

Sept. 13

Review for quiz: Ong, slave tales, literacy.

Sept. 15



Sept. 18

Intro. to the Massachusetts colonists' attitude toward Native Americans.

Reader #5, Levine

Sept. 20

Intro. to the Native Americans' attitude toward colonists.

Reader #6, Mann

Sept. 22

 Film: a seventeenth-century press (The Plantin-Moretus Museum, Antwerp).

 Handout in Class

Sept. 25

Pocahontas and John Smith, reality and fiction

Reader #7, Gleach

Sept. 27

Missionary goals and printing.  John Eliot. (Winship: The Cambridge Press, 1638-1692; 1945)

Reader #8, Eliot

Sept. 29

The captivity narrative, Eliot

Reader #9, Wyss

Oct. 2

Education in early America. History of American Education Web Project, Colonial Period, about 1600-1776; Early National Period, about 1776-1840, Common School Period, about 1840-1880. Colonial education, hornbook, New England Primer, 1805 edition, and another edition of 1807 , dame school, etc. discussion and pictures, title and a lesson. Poor Richard's Almanack, 1733, ( text in modern type), Farmer's Almanack, 1795.

Reader # 10-11

Oct. 4

Education, case studies

Reader #12, "To Learn Another Way." #13, Cornelius. #14, Sandos.

Oct. 6 Class discussion: education case studies  

Oct. 9



Oct. 11



Oct. 13

Uncle Tom's Cabin and spin-offs on the web. Also Library of Congress material on Uncle Tom's Cabin. Abolitionist newspapers, though not the National Era. Historic maps.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Oct. 16

Publishing a bestseller. Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Reader #15, Coultrap-McQuin

Oct. 18

Class discussion: characters in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Slave narratives.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Oct. 20

Information infrastructure. The System of Cities, 1790-1840.

Reader #16, Pred

Oct. 23

Information infrastructure shaping America, the colonies

Reader #17, Brown

Oct. 25

Information infrastructure shaping America, A case study: New York City, 1770-1810.   The Industrial Age

 Reader #18, White. Reader #19, John

Oct. 27



Oct. 30



Nov. 1

Newspapers and periodicals: Californios. Joaquin Murrietta

Reader #20, Almaguer.

Reader #21, Pitt

Nov. 3

Web research for the Final Project.  Notes on final project , project ideas. Newspapers, Indian.

Reader 21, Murphy

Nov. 6

Newspapers, Black, Chinese (Reader 23).� The image in print (engraving, woodcut, photograph, newspaper, magazine, sheet music, advertising, poster).

Reader 22, Hutton; Reader 24, Bunch.

Nov. 8

Edward S. Curtis, photographer of Native Americans. Case study.

Videos: Anne Makepeace, "Coming to Light: Edward S. Curtis and the North American Indians" (2000) "In the Land of the War Canoes" (1914)

Nov. 10

Class discussion: the validity of Curtis's photographs


Nov. 13

Review. Turn in final project topic and abstract.


Nov. 15



Nov. 17

Traditional Chinese culture

 Reader #26, Chen Na

Nov. 20

Introduction: California and print; the Chinese in California

Reader #27, Takaki

Nov. 22

The Chinese in America

Reader #27, Takaki

Nov. 24

Holiday - Thanksgiving


Nov. 27

The American image of the Chinese and politics

 Reader #28, Miller

Nov. 29

A missionary to the Chinese speaks for them in print: Otis Gibson.

 Reader #29, Gibson

Dec. 1 Class discussion.

Dec. 4 Review  
Dec. 6 QUIZ  


Student presentations summarizing final projects


Dec. 11 Final paper due. Either turn it in in class on Friday Dec. 8th, or slide it under my office door, Room 202 Morrison Hall, on Dec. 11th before 5PM.  

Dec. 16

Student presentations at final slot, 12:30-1:30.