Standards and Standards Bodies

Web Architecture and Information Management [./]
Spring 2011 — INFO 153 (CCN 42509)

Erik Wilde and Dilan Mahendran, UC Berkeley School of Information

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Contents Erik Wilde and Dilan Mahendran: Standards and Standards Bodies


Erik Wilde and Dilan Mahendran: Standards and Standards Bodies

(2) Abstract

The Web is composed of standards: rules and practices to which technologies must adhere if they are to be considered part of the Web. Most of these standards are developed by standards bodies, organizations that publish documents defining Web technologies. But sometimes standards develop more organically, from technologies that become popular and are widely implemented without a formal process. However they arise, Web standards are critical for the existence of the Web, and they can have enormous economic and societal impact.

What are Standards?

Outline (What are Standards?)

  1. What are Standards? [6]
  2. Internet & Web Standards [6]

(4) What is a standard?

Standard kilogram

(5) 2 kinds of standards

(6) De jure standards

Source: Egyedi & Blind, The Dynamics of Standards [], 2-3.

(7) De facto standards

Source: Egyedi & Blind, The Dynamics of Standards [], 2-3.

(8) Standards Life Cycle

Standards Lifecycle

Source:Tineke M. Egyedi, Knut Blind,The Dynamics of Standards, p. 5 []

(9) How standards are used

Internet & Web Standards

Outline (Internet & Web Standards)

  1. What are Standards? [6]
  2. Internet & Web Standards [6]

(11) RFCs


(13) The W3C

World Wide Web Consortium Logo []

(14) The W3C Standards Process

(15) The WHATWG

(16) Standards are Serious Stuff

Erik Wilde and Dilan Mahendran: Standards and Standards Bodies

(17) Assignment #1: History & Standards

Erik Wilde and Dilan Mahendran: Standards and Standards Bodies

(18) Next week: Filesystems & HTML

Next week we will begin looking at Web standards in detail, starting with HTML (the HyperText Markup Language). Before that, however, we need to cover the basics of filesystems and web servers.

2011-01-26 Web Architecture and Information Management [./]
Spring 2011 — INFO 153 (CCN 42509)