School of Information Management & Systems.   Spring 1997.   M. Buckland.

Infosys 101: Information Systems.    Assignment 3: Inmagic database.

Create your very own online retrieval system!

Part A: Select collection -- by March 4 latest:
Propose a collection of things to be described: Things, persons, event, ideas... No collections of books and preferably no publications. The collection must have be of something for which you have to create / invent the descriptions of about 15 - 20 items. Some of the attributes and values must be non-trivial and / or non-obvious. Transcribing available data would defeat a central purpose of the assignment and so is not acceptable.

Part B: Do tutorial by March 6:
Complete the INMAGIC tutorial handed out in class. Substitute your name for that of Anne Gardner in step 28. Use the date used in the tutorial not the date you do the tutorial. Print the record retrieved at step 37. (It will emerge from a laser printer near the middle of the north wall). Hand in the record from step 37.

Part C: Define record structure. -- due March 11:
Design a record structure ("data structure") for the objects in your collection. Specify how each field is to be indexed and how it should be sorted (filed) when displayed.
Requirements: Use an ID number field as an unique identifier. Use at least one name field, one date field, and a field for narrative text (description, abstract, notes, comments, whatever). At least one field should be repeatable. Have some variety among fields, including Sort codes and Emphasis codes. Designate one field as the primary sorting field, e.g. Name. Print out and hand in a copy of the Data Structure and an sample record.

Part D: Write a Searchers's Manual -- due March 20:
Write a brief Searchers's Manual for your database using Inmagic terminology for an imaginary student - like you - who is somewhat familiar with online searching, but is unfamiliar with Inmagic and with your database.
Include some worked examples of search commands and results illustrating the versatility of your information system.
Hand in a copy of your Searchers's manual and a diskette containing your Inmagic file.
(Revised 2/24/97).