##Demonstrate basic variable assignment x_int=3 x_int = x_int * x_int print(x_int) ##Notice that objects have types, but names don't x=3 print(x," of type ", type(x)) x="three" print(x," of type ", type(x)) ##Getting input from the user y = input("what is your name? ") print("hello, ", y) ##Input always returns a string y = input("enter a number: ") print(type(y)) print(y) ##Use a constructor to get numbers from the user y = input("enter a number: ") y_float = float(y) print(type(y_float)) print(y_float) print("the square of your number is ", y_float * y_float) ## class exercise ##Demonstrate formatting of strings tip = 23.425928 tip_sentence="The tip is ${:.2f}." print(tip_sentence.format(tip)) ##A couple more formatting examples print("Formatted wider: ${:10.2f}.".format(tip)) print("Wider and left justified: ${:<10.2f}.".format(tip)) tip_percent = 0.16 print("The tip percentage under default formatting is {} and as a percentage is {:.2%}.".format(tip_percent, tip_percent)) ##find more rules in the textbook, section 4.4 ##string you can use to create a madlib madlib_str="""Four {} and seven {} ago our {} brought forth on this {} a new {}, conceived in {}, and dedicated to the {} that all {} are created {}.""" print(madlib_str)