# High Scores # Demonstrates list methods scores = [] choice = None while choice != "0": print( """ High Scores 0 - Exit 1 - Show Scores 2 - Add a Score 3 - Remove a Score 4 - Sort Scores """ ) choice = input("Choice: ") print() # exit if choice == "0": print("Good-bye.") # list high-score table elif choice == "1": print("High Scores") for score in scores: print(score) # add a score elif choice == "2": score = int(input("What score did you get?: ")) scores.append(score) # remove a score elif choice == "3": score = int(input("Remove which score?: ")) if score in scores: scores.remove(score) else: print(score, "isn't in the high scores list.") # sort scores elif choice == "4": scores.sort(reverse=True) # some unknown choice else: print("Sorry, but", choice, "isn't a valid choice.") input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")