Data Science and Analytics
Thought Leaders

Assignment 4b


Weekly, monthly, and end of quarter Project Report submissions

i. Identify   (Single line answer)

             The focus of your report, from one of the three following categories

1. Business opportunity (in a large  or medium firm, using its capabilities)

2. Entrepreneurial opportunity (in a startup or small firm)

3. Research or analytic problem solving in a business or startup (research or industry project e.g. coordinated with INFO296A-3: Advanced Project course or INFO290- Data and Business Analytics)

ii. The elements of a report (5 pages, 5 points) that would go into identifying 

1. A clear business problem, need, opportunity,  or issue with significant strategic value and monetary potential if solved, in the category and context you have chosen

2. The industry (segment, sector, and competitive) landscape to provide context for this business problem, need, issue, or opportunity

3. The current solution gap in meeting this need:

4. The components and solution process, including timeline, of addressing or meeting this problem opportunity, need, or issue.

5. The components and solution process to include:

a. Clear problem or opportunity statement in an Analytics context

b. State of the art research and technology, gaps, and emerging and novel mathematical and other techniques and approaches to address these

c. The business need and gap in ability to meet the need, in terms of lacking Computing and Data Infrastructure and Platforms (e.g, Hadoop for Big Data), Data, and Algorithms (and Interfaces)

d. The data required and issues of data collection and processing, including appropriate business models

e. The algorithmic needs in an inputs (data) and output (results) sense

f. Identifying whether standard (“off-the-shelf” or “commodity” algorithms will suffice, or additional interfacing is required.
Is creative integration of “commodity” algorithms required?
Development of new algorithms?

g. Identify standard algorithm components, including unsupervised (e.g clustering, Principal Components), supervised (e.g. classification, prediction), optimization (business analytics), Reinforcement Learning

h. The prevailing business model, or new business model to be created or assumed, for the analytics solution to lead to growth and profit

i. Use any industry segment or sector you would like to use at this time, for the purpose of this specific  assignment.

ISchool 296A

Spring 2012