INFOSYS 296A / Section 3 |
Economics of Intellectual Property for the Information Age M 12-2 110 South Hall | |
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Instructors |
Pam Samuelson E-mail: Office Hours: 305B South Hall, 2-5 Mondays or by appointment (510) 642-6775 Suzanne Scotchmer
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Readings & Assignments |
Course Schedule Seminar Requirements If you are enrolled in this class, you must subscribe to the course listserve. To subscribe to the course listserve, send an email message to with the phrase "subscribe ip-econ" in the body of the message. At last check, only 20 people were on the listserve while 33 people had enrolled in the course. If you have not yet signed up, please do so soon. The reader should be on the shelf at Ned's Bookstore on Bancroft on Thursday Jan 28. We should have more than enough for all the enrolled students, but some non-enrolled people may also be purchasing readers. [Jan 29] It seems there was a problem with the Econ of IP readers for sale at Ned's. The reader did not include the Dennis Yao article, and some copies of the reader do not have page numbers on the table of contents. Campus Copy offers it's deepest apologies, and will be providing copies of the missing article. If you purchased a reader already, you are entitled to a discount -- just bring your receipt back to Ned. For those who have yet to buy a copy, the price has been reduced accordingly. Campus Copy has *assured* us that there will be no such problem with the second reader. If Ned runs out of readers, students who do not have readers should go to Ned's and request a copy of the reader and Ned will get one for them within 24 hours. [Feb 8] We will make a few copies of "The Internet Edge" by Mark Stefik available for sale in the near future. We are selling photocopies (at cost) since it is not yet available in print. Check back here to find out when it will be available. The reader has several chapters of "The Internet Edge," while the remainder of the book is optional reading. |
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Course Description | Intellectual property has become increasingly important to the economic well-being of nations and to the world economic order. This is evidenced by, among other things, the successful conclusion of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) as an annex to the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization. Many of today’s major industries, including database, computer software, publishing, motion pictures, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals, are heavily dependent on intellectual property rights. Products of these industries tend to be very expensive to develop but very vulnerable to rapid duplication and, especially when in digital form, potentially global dissemination at virtually no cost. In a time of rapid technological change with many new and emerging markets and business models for disseminating information in networked communities, it is often difficult for policymakers to know how to craft legal rules that will "promote progress in science and useful arts," to employ the Constitutional phrase. This seminar will highlight work currently being done by economists, lawyers, and social scientists aimed at assisting policymakers to achieve the constitutional goal who will be featured speakers at this seminar. |
feedback to webmaster ~ updated Feb 9, 1999 |