School of
Information Management & Systems
Previously School of Library & Information Studies
296a: 1:
on Extended Retrieval.
Spring 97 Schedule.
3 units. CCN# 42718 Fridays 3-5. 107 South Hall.
Instructors:  Clifford Lynch and
Michael Buckland
203A South Hall (510) 642 3159
Fall 1997 schedule.
Jan 24: Clifford LYNCH: Introduction. Selected recent developments.
Jan 31: Daniel PITTI, Library: Update on encoded archival
Feb 7: Fred GEY, UCData: A TREC-5 retrospective.
Feb 14: Michael BUCKLAND:
Emanuel Goldberg, builder of the first
digital library prototype.
Feb 21: Marti HEARST, Xerox PARC: Document grouping
in the presentation of information retrieval results.
Feb 28: Paul RESNICK, AT&A Labs: PICS as a metadata infrastructure.
March 7: Charles FAULHABER, Bancroft Library: The Digital Scriptorium.
March 14:
Michael BUCKLAND: Search support for unfamiliar
metadata vocabularies.
March 21: Kohn KUNZE, UCSF: The Dublin core: Update.
March 28: Spring break - No seminar meeting.
April 4: Michael BUCKLAND: The future of the book.
April 11: Charles CRONIN: Music plagiarism.
April 18: Michael COOPER: Design considerations in instrumenting
and monitoring Web-based I.R. systems.
April 25: Aitao CHEN: Chinese text retrieval without a dictionary.
May 2: Nina WAKEFORD, Sheffield Univ.: Cybercafes as interfaces
to the Internet.
May 9: Last seminar meeting of the semester. Michael BERGER:
The Web version of MELVYL.
1996 schedule.
1997 schedule.