Namespaces and Introduction to XPath

R. Alexander Milowski

School of Information Management and Systems


Motivation for Namespaces


Problems - Example 1


Problems - Example 2




Names and Namespaces


Prefixes and Namespaces


Defaulting Namespaces


Namespace Names and URI Values


Declarations have Scope


What's a Name?


The Infoset "Changes"


The Infoset "Changes" - Element


The Infoset "Changes" - Attribute


How it Works - An Example

The simplest thing is to default the namespace:

<order xmlns="">
    <item>A clue</item>
    <item>A better clue!</item>
    <p>I need this order now!</p>


How it Works - An Example - Part 2

But we can use a prefix and get the exact same names:

<o:order xmlns:o="">
    <o:item>A clue</o:item>
    <o:item>A better clue!</o:item>
    <p>I need this order now!</p>


How it Works - An Example - Part 3

If we change that prefix binding later on, we'll get different names:

<o:order xmlns:o="">
  <o:items xmlns:o="">
    <o:item>A clue</o:item>
    <o:item>A better clue!</o:item>
    <p>I need this order now!</p>


How it Works - An Example - Part 4

We can also mix in a default if we wish:

<o:order xmlns:o="">
  <o:items xmlns:o="">
    <o:item>A clue</o:item>
    <o:item>A better clue!</o:item>
  <o:memo xmlns="">
    <p>I need this order now!</p>


Namespace Info Item


In-Scope Namespaces


And now for something completely different...

We're now actually going to do something with XML...

...but we need some tools.




Like Directory Paths


Node Set Results


Selecting Attributes


Names and Namespaces


No Prefix = No Namespace




Context Node


Parent and Ancestors


Conditional Matching


Skipping Levels


Special Functions


The Real Story


Trees and XML

For the computer scientists:


Relationships in a Tree

Relationships from the red node.


Additional XML Relationships


Axes are Directions on Relationships

  • Axes are just a traversal of a relationship.

  • Some are tree relationships:

    • ancestor, ancestor-or-self

    • parent, child, self

    • descendant, descendant-or-self

    • following, following-sibling

    • preceding, preceding-sibling

  • And some extras:

    • attribute

    • namespace


Axis Syntax


Axis Specifics


Principal Node Type


Axis Direction


Axis Direction - Example

For example, give the following


These expressions evaluate:

target/preceding-sibling::* → elements 'c' b' 'a'.

target/following-sibling::* → elements 'd' 'e' 'f'.


Abbreviated Syntax Equivalences

Abbreviation Equivalence


What use is this?


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