Latest: When your life is too low-resolution, get 1080p for you eyes.


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  1. Erik Wildedret UC Berkeley School of Information 1-510-206-1079 RT @pkeane: Nice post from @diveintomark re: what free in free software means (via @timbray)
  2. Jim CheezburgerICHCheezburger I Can Has Cheezburger, Inc. 1-413-230-1297RT @aquafille What did Beyonce say to balloon kid's parents? If you liked it then you shoulda put a string on it! #cheezfriday
  3. Cabel M. Sassercabel Panic, Inc. 1-503-224-3451 You guys are the best Google! "Not Here To Make Friends" montage, 2009 edition:
  4. Stephen ColbertStephenAtHome The Colbert Report 1-888-667-7539 only 18 more days until candy gets really cheap
  5. John Grubergruber Daring Fireball 212-514-7182 Some innings, all you have to do to manage a baseball team is sit there, stoicly, and let your guys play.