Corkd is a community wine review website that uses both hReview and hCard. People who review wines have a name ("fn"), a profile url ("url"), and a profile photo ("photo"). Given a URL for a wine (like, show all the people who reviewed the wine and what rating they gave it. You can find a template with the code to get pages from Corkd at NOTES - For information about the hCard microformat, see . For information about the hReview microformat, see - Remember that an hCard ("or HTML vCard") is an element with the class "vcard". - Notice that not all hCards on a particular page are *reviewer's* hCards (see as example). You may want to look for the "reviewers" class in conjunction with the "vcard" class. - You can divide the work up in your group however you like. For example, one person could create the interface to enter a wine URL, another could figure out how the microformats in the Corkd page work, while another person creates the HTML that will be used to display the microformatted data when it comes back from Corkd.