IS290-1, Spring '07
After Google, What?
Last modified: January 17, 2007

University of California, Berkeley
School of Information Management and Systems

INFOSYS 290-1, Spring 2007: After Google, What?

Information Management and the Academic Enterprise in a Networked Digital Age

Course Info

Instructor: Daniel Greenstein, DPhil. | daniel.greenstein (a t)
Office Hours: Wednesdays after seminar, or by appointment at the Office of the President (1111 Franklin Street, Oakland)
Contact phyllis.baker (a t) to make an appointment.

Class Meeting Time: Wednesdays, 1-4pm
Location: South Hall, Rm 202
PDF of combined course documents

Course Description

Universities are knowledge organizations. Amongst their essential products one counts graduates who are accredited to establish some place for themselves in social and professional hierarchies; and research that powers economic innovation, government and public policy, and cultural and educational understanding. Both of these products depend upon the university's massive consumption and production of information and thus on sound processes that enable its creation, management, discovery, distribution and use. These processes are not only mission critical, they are essential means by which universities distinguish themselves from one another and compete effectively in a market place where good students and good faculty are keys to its reputation and revenue growth. Yet while a university's information management processes are mission critical, they are increasingly obsolete. They are held over from an era when information circulated in analog formats and where access to it was largely determined by one's physical location. These same processes are increasingly dysfunctional in a world in which massive quantities of information can easily and instantaneously be "published", discovered and transmitted.

This course evaluates trends in the information industry and how they impact upon the academic enterprise that is so heavily reliant upon outmoded forms of control over the production and flow of information. It will look in at a number of challenges in particular, including:

The course will be practically oriented and informed throughout with lectures from leading practitioners in areas under consideration.