Fall 2013
Paul Laskowski
paul at ischool dot berkeley dot edu
Office Hours: Tuesday 2:30-3:30 in 302 South Hall

Anna Swigart
agswigart at ischool dot berkeley dot edu
Office Hours: Tuesday after class (5-6pm) in CoLab (110 South Hall) and by appointment

Meeting Time:
Tues Thurs 3:30-5:00

Course Description: An introduction to statistical analysis and quantitative methods used in information and behavioral sciences. The course begins with a focus on hypothesis testing and basic statistics, then moves on to simple data manipulation using the R programming language. We continue with more advanced tools, including correlation, t-tests, ANOVA, and least-squares regression.

Textbook: Tenko Raykov and George A. Marcoulides. Basic Statistics: An Introduction with R. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012.

Instructions for installing R and R Commander

Assignments and Final Exam:
There will be three or four short "lab assignments" in this course. Some of these will be completed individually; others will be completed in small groups. The final take-home exam will cover all of the major topics in the course (research methods, data management and analysis techniques, statistical analysis and interpretation). Finally, a portion of your grade (10%) will come from regular attendance, class participation, and instructor discretion.

Tentative Grading Criteria:
Lab Assignments: 30%
Final Take-Home Exam: 60%
Participation and Instructor discretion: 10%

All assignments are due at 3:30pm on the due date.