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Infosys 271: 3 units, CCN No 42723

WF 2-3:30, 202 South Hall, Office Hrs: W, 9-11, 2 South Hall
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Changes to Website: Check out the SurveyProject section

Nov 2, 3.00 p.m.

Student Projects

Survey Project: Reports, Survey software review etc.
Final Projects: Mostly experiments
  • Testing Methods: Kinds of usability testing methods.
Usability Goals: Sub domains of usability based on differential goals.
  • Usability Design
  • Usability Testing



Class Resources

Statistics: Online statistics resources.
Psychology & Usability Research Methods:
Testing Methods: Kinds of usability testing methods.
  • Survey
  • Logging keystrokes
  • HTML checkers
  • Psychology Experiments
  • Eye tracking
Kinds of usability data:
  • explicit behavior
  • implicit behavior
  • attitudes
  • physiological measures
  • systems characteristics
Research Methods:
  • Web Textbooks
  • Articles
Relevant Text: Books and articles related to quantitative techniques
  • Books
  • Articles
Usability Goals: Sub domains of usability based on differential goals.
  • Usability Design
  • Usability Testing
Relevant Authors: HCI researchers and practitioners who utilize a quantitative approach.





Lectures: (subject to change)


Lecture1: Introduction, course plan, why measure, testing process, ...

Lecture 2: Posing a usability question, developing the hypothesis, operationalizing, Variables ... (Assignment 1: Find a research question, develop hypothesis, IV, DV). Slides for Lecture 2 9/1
Lecture 3: Correlational methods, especially surveys (Assignment 1 due, I will return it the next day) (Survey Project: develop survey further, generate sample questions) Slides for Lecture 3 9/6
Lab 1: Hands on. Basic stats with Excel, Macros, Pivot tables etc.. (Assignment 1 (survey software evaluation) due) (Survey Project: develop survey further) 9/8
Lecture 4: Basic statistics, Analysis of a histogram, Mean, Median, Normal Probability Curve. (Survey Project: finalize plans) Slides for Lecture4 9/13
Lecture 5: 15 minute presentation by each group of their planned survey, their research problem, IV (if any), DV, questions. lecture on experimental designs (Assignment 2) (Survey Project: pilot test) 9/15

Lecture 6 & Lab2: Lecture on sampling and probability. Hands on: Basic stats with SPSS, How to do exploratory analysis. Slides for Lecture 6

Lecture 7 : Correlational statistics, Scatter plots. Also Correlational statistics with SPSS (Assignment 2 due) (Survey project: finalize survey, start data collection) Slides for Lecture 7 9/22

Lab 3: Hands on statistics with SPSS. A review of exploratory analysis, and correlational statistics (Partial Correlations). EMail me your questions in advance. (Assignment 3)

Lecture 8: Review of Normal Distribution, Standard Scores, The logic of hypothesis testing. Null and Alternative Hypothesis, Type 1 and Type 2 Errors, Testing significance levels, Confidence Intervals. SLides for Lecture 8 9/29
Lecture 9: Experimental Design, Reliability and Validity Slides for Lecture 9 10/4
Lecture 10: Experimental Design II. Slides for Lecture 10, Handout for Lecture 10 10/6
Jenny Preece talk 10/11
Lecture 11 & Lab 4: T tests (One sample ttests, two sample t tests, independent sample and paired sample t tests). Hands on: T tests with SPSS (Room Change: Class will be in 205) 10/13
Lecture12 & Lab 5: Review of t-tests, and introduction to ANOVA. Hands on: ANOVA with SPSS. 10/18
Lecture 13: Guest Lecture: Nalini's Kotamraju from Productopia.com 10/20
Lecture 14: Guest Lecture: Michelle Pyror from Vividence.com on Usability Testing 10/25
Lecture 15: Review of statistics 10/27
Lecture 16: ANOVA's cont: ANCOVA, Multifactor Anova's Familywise Error Rate, Effect Size SLides for lecture 11/1
Lecture 17: Guest Lecture: Deborah Tater from SRI, on Eye Tracking Methods in Usability 11/3
Lecture 18: Jeffrey Pennington from AskJeeves, on WebLog Analysis 11/8
Veterans Day Holiday 11/10
Lecture 19: Within Subjects ANOVA's. More advanced models. Hands on: Advanced ANOVA models with SPSS 11/15
Lecture 20: Guest Lecture: Melody Ivory on Automated Evaluation Methods 11/17
Holiday? 11/22
Thanksgiving Holiday 11/24
Lecture 21: Final Project Review, Data Analysis Issues. Lecture: Chi Square. (Room Change: Class in Room 205.) 11/29
Lecture 22: Regression and Factor Analaysis 12/1
Lecture 23: Final Project Review, Data Analysis Issues. Introduction to Clustering Techniques, and Multi Dimensional Scaling 12/6
Lecture 24: 12/8
Student Project Presentations 12/13
Student Project Presnetations 12/15


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