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Database Management

CCN: 42724   ~   3 units


Instructor Michael Cooper   (e-mail: cooper@sims.berkeley.edu)
Time/Place Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-11:00 am
183 Dwinelle Hall
Course Description No prerequisites. Graduate students only.
This course is concerned with the use of Database Management Systems (DBMS) to solve a wide range of information storage, management, and retrieval problems, in organizations ranging from large corporations to personal applications, such as research data management. The course combines the practical aspects of DBMS use with more theoretical discussions of database design methodologies and the "internals" of database systems. We will discuss the principles and problems of database design, operation, and maintenance.

A significant part of the course will have students designing their own database and implementing it on different DBMS' running on different computer systems. We will use both Microsoft Access and Oracle.

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