I 256: Applied Natural Language Processing |
Course Information
Final Project ProposalDue dates:
Thursday October 22: Receive Feedback on Proposal Thursday October 29: Turn in revised proposal (if required)
Thursday November 12: Check point (more
information later)
You may (and are encouraged to) work in pairs for the final project. I expect a bit more from people working in pairs than those working individually, but projects done in pairs often turn out better. The most important aspect of the project is the quality of the work. I also give weight to creativity, both in what you attempt to do (provided it is realistic) and in how you do it. For your writeup, I give as much credit to thoughtful analysis of the data and results as to implementation and algorithms. Your writeup should show me what you've learned by doing the project and how you've incorporated things you've learned from this class and elsewhere. You should be thorough in your descriptions of your algorithms, resources used, and results obtained.
The description should contain the following information The hardest part of doing an NLP project is scoping something that is doable and really involves NLP. It can be quite hard to make something work in this class, so I will require you to change your proposal if I think it is too ambitious.
Send the proposal to Gopal and Barbara as LastNameOfstudent1_LastNameOfstudent2_project_proposal(.doc|.pdf|.whatever)