I 256: Applied Natural Language Processing |
Course Information
Assignment 1: Get really started with PythonDue September 8 at 12:3o pm (before class) Create a file named with the following convention: LastNameFirstName_assignment1.py
This is the main file where all your code will reside.
•We will evaluate each question/sub-question as:
>>> python LastNameFirstName_assignment1.py question1
>>> python
LastNameFirstName_assignment1.py question1.1
(For the few non programming questions, create a string with your answer and print it)
logic to your code based on the command line argument (process
your command line argument string ) and output accordingly. The
command line arguments in python are accessed through
sys.argv list . You
can also use getopt module.
Make sure you include a this
header information in the beginning of your code
#! /usr/bin/env python
#author: ‘Your
#email = ‘your
email address'
= ‘python
version you are using'
For any questions, please email
Email your assignment to
Assigment 1: