I 256: Applied Natural Language Processing

   Fall 2006, Prof. Marti Hearst

Course Information

Final Project Writeup

Due dates:

    Dec 4 and 6: Class Presentations
    Wed Dec 13, 5pm: Final Project Writeup Due

Project Writeup Content

    Projects with good writeups make a better impression and tend to get better grades. Be sure to put ample time into your writeup and your project presentation.

    As mentioned in the project proposal, the most important aspect of the project is the quality of the work. I also give weight to creativity, both in what you attempt to do (provided it is realistic) and in how you do it. For your writeup, I give as much credit to thoughtful analysis of the data and results as to implementation and algorithms. Your writeup should show me what you've learned by doing the project and how you've incorporated things you've learned from this class and elsewhere. You should be thorough in your descriptions of your algorithms, resources used, and results obtained.

    If there are multiple people working on your project, you must describe who did what (and what percentage of the work) in the writeup.

Writeup Format

    I'd prefer for your writeup to be in a pdf file or a web page with illustrations, screenshots, and code excerpts all in one place. I'd also like you to turn in a directory with your code and any other resources that are important for my understanding of what you did. If you have a web demo, that's great; turn in a link to it. If you have some other kind of demo I'd like instructions on how to run it.

    I also want you to turn in your class presentation which should be in either powerpoint, pdf, or html. I plan to put both your project description and your presentation up on the external web unless you ask me not to (and this is fine).

Project Presentation Schedule:

We'll have 15 minutes per project for class presentations. We'll do course evalutions at the end of class on Monday Dec 4. Plan to stay till 1pm on Wed Dec 5.

Monday, Dec 4
  • Hannes on Email Classification
  • Jerry, Jimmy, and Johnson on News Classification and Tracking
  • Joanne and Ivan on Routing for iSchool Email Lists
  • Christo and James on Categorizing Profiles
Wednesday, Dec 6
  • Andrea on Geo-Nickname Extraction
  • Ken-ichi on Metrics for Assessing Writing Quality in Fiction
  • Jon Lesser on Improving Speed Reading
  • Srini on Blog Analysis
  • Kevin Yiming, and Olga on Blog Summarization
  • Nate on Blog Opinion Classification
  • Bonnie on Chatbot

Turn in final project writeup here