SIMS 255: Lab 8

November 13, 2003

Regular Expressions

In today's lab we will install regular expression plugins for Eclipse. (NOTE: This plugin is only for Windows)
  1. First make sure that the plugin is not already installed on your machine. Do steps 6 & 7. If there is nothing under the "Other" folder, then continue with the lab. Otherwise, if the plugin is already installed, try out the example (step 9).
  2. Download the plugin to your desktop.
  3. Open the file and extract everything to your desktop. This should create a folder named "eclipse." Inside this folder should be another folder "plugins."
  4. Copy the contents of the "plugins" folder to C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins.
  5. Close Eclipse. (So that the changes will take effect)
  6. Open up Eclipse. Go to Window > Show View > Other...
  7. This will open up the "Show View" window. Expand the "Other" folder.
  8. Choose RegexTester. Click OK.
  9. Try out this example:

NF,JM -- last modified 11/13/03