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Course Outline

CCN: 42718 
3 unit(s) 

Economics of Information 

Yale Braunstein
E-mail: yale@sims.berkeley.edu
Office: 203B South Hall
Office hours: Mon & Tue, 2-3 pm & by appt.

MW 10:30 - 12:30  (revised; see note #2 below)
110 South Hall 

Important notes:
  1. This schedule reflects the 2004 course outline, but still is meant as an overall guide.  It will be updated throughout the semester to better reflect reality.
  2. The location has been changed, effective 1 September 2004.  Starting on 13 September, Monday classes will run for up to two hours and Wednesday classes will be mostly for economics  review topics.)

Weekly Schedule

Topic / Major Readings
Section (*)
Aug. 30 Introduction to information in the economy; macroeconomics; input-output analysis; Machlup; Porat A.1 & A.2
Sept. 6 (no class on Labor Day)
Input-output analysis (continued); Rubin: Secondary information sector
A.2 & A.2.a
Sept. 13 Information as an input (Hayes & Erickson, Braunstein); unbalanced growth (Baumol) A.3 & B
Sept. 15
Review class #1--Theory of the Firm (see below)
Sept. 20 Economies of scale & scope (Bailey & Friedlaender) A.3 & C
Sept. 22
Review class #2--Market Equilibrium
Sept. 27 & 29
[ no class]
Oct. 4
 [no class]
Oct. 6
Guest lecture: John Chuang--Internet Economics
(See notes about access to files below.)
Proposals due

D & E
Oct. 11 Market failures: monopoly, externalities, information asymmetries D, E, H
Oct. 13
Review class #3--Creative Pricing

Oct. 18 Technical compatibility standards
(Additional readings: links below)
F & G
Oct. 25
Coase's Theorem, Intellectual property rights (esp. databases);
Coasian links: "Proof" that 2nd conjecture is incorrect, additional notes and links.
H & I.1
Oct. 27 (continuation of the above, if needed)
I.2 & I.3
Nov. 1
Telecom (Interconnection & univ. service ppt.) J & K
Nov. 3
Telecom & Mass Media: content, diversity, industry models, scarcity
.J & K
Nov. 8, 10, 15 [no class]
Nov. 17
Patrick Riley  -- Bandwagon effects
Nov. 22
Kevin Lacker -- Economics of Open Source Software
Nov. 24
[no class] .
Nov. 29
Megan Finn -- Information labeling as a public good
David Schlossberg -- Economics of blogs
Dec. 1
Arne Baste -- DARPA's policy analysis market experiment
Anup Goel --  Economics of WiFi/WiMax
NOTE: (*) These sections are numbered to match the web version of the course outline.

General Information

"Review" classes
(First edition)   http://www.mhhe.com/economics/frankb/student_index.mhtml
(Second edition) http://www.mhhe.com/economics/frankbernanke2/
Assignments, etc.