Please copy this form into an email message and send to with the subject header "IS224 self assessment".

Please assist me in setting your grade for the first half of the course. Please complete this form before Friday and return. Specifically, reply to this message, and than fill out the following items. The instructors reserve the right to modify your assessment, but this will be an excellent starting point. Please be modest (and honest)!

In class participation:

From the vantage point of the instructor, I usually sit in the classroom
(mark with "x")
______Near the front______About halfway back_____Near the rear
______On the left ______Near the middle _____On the right

(fill in integer between 0 and 10)
_______is my assessment of my in-class participation according to the following scale:
10 = always volunteer answers, frequently raise questions
8 = often volunteer answers,
5 = volunteer answers roughly half as often as the student
with the highest participation, occasionally raise questions
2 = seldom volunteer answers, hardly ever raise questions
0 = never raise my hand

Class discussion forum participation:

______is the number of posts that I have made since the beginning of the class on the discussion forum (this is easily found by clicking "Find other messages" on the left, and then choosing "From ME" and "Posted from Beginning of Time"

I would judge that my postings, relative to those of other students, are
(mark one of the following with an "x")
______Somewhat more detailed and thought out than the average
______About average
______Somewhat less detailed and thought out than the average