EECS 201, BA 290D, IS 224, E298A

Spring 2000

Getting Started

This page gives only the information necessary to get started--the details on the course are all available on the course homepages. To login to the course homepages, point your browser at Bookmark this page for future convenience. Review the "Course information" carefully for all the details you will need to complete the course successfully, and consult the "Announcements" and "Course calendar" frequently for specific action items and due dates.

The course will depend heavily on Web browsing and email. If you have no access or limited access to a computer with Internet access, please contact the instructor for alternative arrangements.

Logging into the course homepage

If you are enrolled in the course or waitlisted for the course, you should already have an account login ID and password.
Your login ID will usually be your first initial and last name. In a few cases, this  is not unique, so try your first and middle initial and last name. For example, John T. Student might have login ID jstudent or jtstudent. Sorry, your login ID cannot be changed.

Your initial password is your student ID (SID). It is important to change this password the first time you login. If you ever forget your password, contact the instructor at, who can assign you a new one.

If you are enrolled in the course but unable to login, please contact the instructor at If you are not enrolled in the course, we regret it is not possible to obtain a login ID. Login ID's will also be removed for students who drop the course.

Signing up for the class listserv

The class listserv is an email address; all messages to this address are forwarded to students (and anybody else) who have subscribed to this listserv. Normally you will not send email to this address (use the class discussion forum to communicate with the class), but you want to receive messages sent to the listserv because it will be used for important and timely messages from the instructors. To subscribe to the listserv you must do the following:
Send an e-mail message to with the phrase "subscribe is224" in the body of the message (Leave the "Subject" line blank.) A welcome message from Majordomo should arrive in your e-mail inbox.
You may unscubscribe by a similar proceedure ("unsubscribe is224") should you decide later drop the course.