Grades and grading policies

Projects (80%)

There will be two group projects, where you will collaborate with an interdisciplinary group of approximately five students. The first project (case study) will determine 45% of your grade, and the second project (controversial issue with debate) 35%. See the “projects” section for a description on the projects.


Each project will be assigned a group grade (the same for all members of the group) and an individual participation grade (based on your individual contribution to the project outcome). To determine the individual contribution grades, each group member will be allocated 100 points to allocate among the other members of the group in accordance with their individual participation. Each individual grade is determined by the aggregate points you receive from other group members. The group grade will be weighted 60% and the individual grade 40%.

See the course calendar for project report due dates. Late projects will be accepted for 90% credit within 24 hours of the deadline, 75% credit within 7x24 hours of the deadline, and 50% credit within 14x24 hours of the deadline.

Classroom participation (20%)

You will be provided a name placecard for use in the classroom. Students who make an especially significant contribution to classroom discussion in each session will be noted by the instructors and rewarded in this participation grade. Other factors such as poor class attendance and failure to provide requested evaluations of other students and groups will detract from this grade.