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CCN: 42703
4 unit(s)
Analysis of Information Organizations and Systems

Instructor(s) Yale M. Braunstein
E-mail: yale@sims.berkeley.edu
Office: 203B South Hall
Hours: T-Th 11:00-noon and by appt.

Michael D. Cooper
E-mail: cooper@sims.berkeley.edu
Office: 312 South Hall
Hours: Tu 11:15-12:30 and by appt.

TA: Hui-Min Chen
E-mail: hmchen@sims.berkeley.edu
Office: Computer Lab
Hours: W 3-5; Th 3-4 and by appt.

Time/Location TTh 9:30-11
202 South Hall

Prerequisites INFOSYS 202, 204, and 206 or consent of instructor.

Course Description This is the fourth required course for all Masters students in the School of Information Management and Systems, and it is open for enrollment only to students in the School. Follow this link to the updated course outline.

The course discusses tools and methods for the analysis and design of information systems. It also focuses on the management of the process of information system analysis and design, that is, project management.

Your primary objective in the course is to conduct an analysis of an information system and if appropriate design an alternate system. This system may be a manual procedure in need of improvement, a manual system that needs automation, automated procedures that need improvement, or an analytic study of an existing system. This analysis is due at the last lecture of the course and will be accompanied by a class presentation of its results.

The course provides you with the tools to conduct the study. Among the topics covered in the lectures and readings are the process of identifying and selecting projects, project initiation, systems requirements determination, system data collection, interviewing and questionaire development, workflow analysis and design, data flow diagramming, entity-relationship diagramming, statistical and cost analysis, forms and screen design, implementation of systems, and evaluation of systems.

Part of the course is devoted to the use of the Microsoft Project project management system. You will use Project to develop a schedule of the activities you will perform in your own project and will supply updated schedules to the instructors during the semester.

In addition to the analysis/design project, there will be additional assignments to develop your skills on the topics covered in the lectures. Among these assignments are the use of statistical analysis tools, spreadsheet programs, and data-flow and entity-relationship modeling tools.

It is up to you to find a project for the course. The instructors will provide guidance. The break between semesters is a good time to begin looking for organizations and/or systems that need analysis and/or improvement.


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[an error occurred while processing this directive] ~ updated Feb-27-98, 08:42:00 PM