Assignment 3

Due Date: April 14th

Assignment #3 Details:
- Assignment 3 is due at the beginning of class on April 14th.
- Bring two stapled copies of your assignment to class.
- Papers should be double-spaced, 12-point font (e.g., Times New Roman).
- Cite quotes and paraphrased arguments from articles and papers using a standard citation style*. You must include a bibliography for articles and papers that you reference.

* See for more information. You may want to use citation management software such as Zotero, Mendeley (both free) or EndNote (commercial) to help with inserting properly formatted citations and a bibliography.

Part I (25%)

Write a few paragraphs (approximately 250 words) that clearly and specifically summarize the following: (1) your topic area; (2) the research problem and questions you will address; (3) the justification(s) for your research problem/question(s); and (4) the arguments you will ultimately make about them. Put an emphasis on being detailed and specific, and narrow the scope of your ideas as much as possible. In as much detail as you can, address the ‘So What?’ questions – why is your chosen research problem an important and interesting one (justification), and what will you say about it that adds to our understanding of the issues (arguments)?

Sections 1, 2 and 3 may be sameor similar text as Assignment 2, unless you've updated, changed, or developed your ideas. However, note that Section 4 (your argument) is new.

Part II (25%)

Complete an updated literature search in your topic area(s) to identify research that you will draw upon to explain, justify, and support your arguments. Choose at least 8 key readings (not on the class syllabus). For each reading provide its citation, and in a few sentences explain why you expect the paper to be relevant to your topic, and how you may use it in your arguments. Your readings may include various kinds of literature, but the bulk of your research should come from academic sources, including books, conference papers and journal articles. You should have read/skimmed through them enough to evaluate in some detail why they may be relevant and how you may use them. You response should be approximately 1.5 – 2 pages.

Part III (25%)

Write a rough outline of your paper. Be as specific as you can be in formulating your justifications and arguments in outline form. The focus of your outline should be not so much what you will ultimately conclude in your paper, but what issues you will address, and what sections will need to be in your paper to accomplish your goal. Your outline should be approximately 1 page, and take the following general form (any similar outline format is acceptable):

(taken from )


State the thesis, the causes and effects to be discussed; comparison of subject X and subject Y; your position on the issue; your proposal if applicable; and the main points that will develop your argument.    


First Point, Assertion, Explanation

        Supporting evidence (examples, facts, statistics, quoted authorities, details, reasons, examples)

        Supporting evidence

    Second explanation



    Third explanation



    Fourth explanation (continue as above with additional explanations as needed.)



Your proposal (if applicable)

Address opposing viewpoints


    Show how explanations (causes) are logical reasons producing the effects discussed; review subject X and subject Y; reiterate your assertion and proposition (if applicable). Reemphasize your thesis in a fresh way, showing how your have achieved your purpose. If you intend to draw to a conclusion about one subject over the other, emphasize that point.

    Deal with opposing views unless done above.

    Appeal to the reader to see how you have come to a logical conclusion.

    Make a memorable final statement.

Part IV (25%)

You will be assigned to a peer group of 3-4 members.  You will exchange assignments with your fellow group members via email when you turn it in on April 19th. For Part IV, you will provide comments and feedback on the other papers from your group. Type up your comments (separately) for each group member. Submit your feedback to each peer group member through email (copying us on these emails) by class time, April 19th.

Group assignments are available here (you need to be logged into the site to view them):

Important: Please title your email "203 feedback for [name]" so that we can sort all the emails properly.